The current term of Council is 2022-2026. Our ward system is divided by the rural area (two council representatives), and the urban area (four council representatives). Find Council contact information below:
Olena Hankivsky - Mayor |
Les Andrews |
Ward 1 Councillor
Todd Attridge |
Ward 1 Councillor
Claire Holloway Wadhwani |
Ward 1 Councillor
Adam Pearson |
Ward 1 Councillor
Vicki Mink - Deputy Mayor |
Deputy Mayor
Darrell Toms |
Ward 2 Councillor
The Municipality has a Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards that outlines the rules, roles, and responsibilities of the members to promote accountability and transparency in municipal governance.
The role of elected officials |

Review upcoming and previous council meetings and their primary topics by reviewing the agenda and meeting minutes.

After each Council meeting, we issue an eNewsletter, highlighting the decisions and municipal business. Read the latest council eNewsletter.

Weekly updates from the Mayor's office highlighting important municipal business taking place each week.

Find the latest Council announcements and media releases happening in Port Hope.
2025 Council eNewsletter Archives |
2024 Council eNewsletter Archives |
DecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustNo regular Council Meetings in August due to summer break. JulyJuneJune 18 Council Meeting was cancelled. MayAprilMarchFebruaryJanuary |
Council meetings
Council and Committee of the Whole meetings are held on separate evenings, and there are multiple opportunities for public participation, including the ability to provide public comments on a matter that is on a Council agenda, or ask a question during Question Period. For more information on how to engage with Council, please see the Connecting with Council page.
Statutory Public meetings, as required, will take place on Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole Meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month, and Council Meetings take place on the third Tuesday of every month. The 2025 Council and Committee of the Whole Calendar is also available for review.
The intent of Committee of the Whole is to discuss and deliberate staff reports, with final disposition and/or approval occurring at Council meetings. Delegations are also heard at Council meetings.
Unless otherwise stated, these meetings are open to the public.
Meetings are also live-streamed on YouTube and previous Council, Committee of the Whole, and Public meetings may be viewed at our Municipality of Port Hope YouTube channel. Our video archive dates back to March 1, 2016.
The Municipal Act, 2001 allows the Municipality to hold a Closed Meeting when the subject matter relates to certain specific topics. For these meetings, the public are not allowed to attend and they are not broadcast.