Finance Year in Review
Our year by the numbers: 2024 Finance annual report to the community

property tax account customers billed and collected

utility account customers billed and collected

bank reconciliation transactions

accounts payable invoices

active utility payment plans - 13 plans paid in full from previous year

awarded by Council in community grants and donations in support of our local community

new cartographic products such as Port Hope urban, rural and transit route maps.

customers who transitioned to Virtual Town hall or e-billing
Other notable achievements:
- Of the 13 properties registered for tax sale in November 2024, full payment was received for 8 properties before the sale date.
- Led a successful budget process
- A new Development Charges study was successfully implemented.
- Identified Asset Retirement Obligations (AROs) in compliance with provincial requirements.
- The 2024 Asset Management Plan requirements were met.
- Conducted the annual Asset Management Training for Council and the public.
- Delivered 2024 Asset Management Plans for Non-Core Infrastructure in alignment with O/Reg 588/17 timelines.
- Facilitated the Capital Budget project selection process; Used Asset Management planning to inform budget decision making
- Created several new web mapping applications
- Port Hope Transit Routes
- Municipal Emergency Plan: Urban Evacuation Routes
- Closing data gaps and cleaning data—ranging from streetlights to storm pipes—was a key priority in 2024 and will remain a focus in 2025. Significant effort was dedicated to verifying and updating data to support Asset Management Planning, Financial Planning, and Work Order Management systems.
Get to know us
The Finance Department, also known as the treasurer's office, is responsible for managing the financial affairs of the Municipality. These services include budgeting, financial planning, accounting and financial reporting, revenue and debt management, financial compliance and management, and grant administration and management. Additionally, the Finance office oversees the GIS division. Overall, the Finance Department plays a crucial role in ensuring the financial health, stability, and accountability of the Municipality's operations by managing resources effectively, maintaining fiscal discipline, and providing financial transparency to the community.