Corporate Services Year in Review
Our year by the numbers: 2023 Corporate Services annual report to the community
marriage licences issued.
Freedom of Information Requests and 21 Routine Disclosure requests.
Social media posts
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IT devices managed (laptops, cell phones, servers, etc.)
agendas posted - including COW, Council, Public Meetings, and Advisory Committees.
web pages managed on our website
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IT help tickets issued
eNewsletters delivered to our community
Other notable achievements:
- 169 promotional campaigns executed by Communications across the organization.
- Implementation of our first corporate-wide Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) procurement and implementation
- New Council onboarding and orientation
- Expansion of IT Division - onboarding new IT employee – increased service delivery – dedicated IT office
- Procedural By-law Review complete
- Launch of eNewsletter template and growth of subscriber base and onboarding of new eNewsletter users (corporate-wide)
Get to know us
The Corporate Services department handles a variety of internal functions that support the administration and governance operations of the Municipality. These services include: legislative services support, including Council meeting management, by-
laws and policy management, public information access, legal compliance, and records keeping, along with IT support, and communications. Overall, the Corporate Services department plays a crucial role in ensuring the effective and efficient
functioning of our local government operations, supporting municipal staff, and providing essential services to the community.