Works and Engineering Services |
List of Works and Engineering fees and charges
Road Services
Services | Fees |
ITEM # 1 - (U) Residential Storm Service |
Fee payable upon residential connection to an existing municipal storm sewer lateral at property line (ie. stub), fee applicable to vacant lots and lots with existing dwellings which were pre-serviced vis-à-vis Capital reconstruction work, fee not applicable to lots which are part of a plan of subdivision The Works & Engineering Department will not consider requests to construct new municipal service(s) under this or any category or fee type. Flat rate fee, intended to recover the average cost of pre-servicing vacant residential lots or potentially severable lots from main to property line during road reconstruction or service main replacement, storm service may have been constructed by public tender or by in-house forces, material costs include 6" PVC storm pipe and main tee, includes traffic control, fee includes cost of main construction(2005 avg. 450mm dia. main cost: $261 /m, catchbasin: $1363, assume avg. 50 ft. lot)
ITEM # 2 - (U) Asphalt Reinstatement |
Reinstatement of roadway asphalt removed during construction by third party utility companies, fee not applicable for private contracted servicing work. Flat rate fee per occurrence (minimum 3m x 3m x 90 mm charge), intended to recover costs associated with reinstating asphalt which was removed by third party utility companies only (ie. Bell, Cable, Gas), includes traffic control / flagman, timing of works contingent upon availability of Public Works Department resources, reinstatement of work performed by private servicing contractors at discretion of Director of Works and Engineering
ITEM # 3 - (U) Sidewalk Construction |
Flat rate fee per occurrence (minimum 20ft length), intended to recover costs associated with reinstating concrete sidewalk which was removed by third party utility companies (ie. Bell, Cable, Gas) or damages incurred by non-municipal operations. Includes traffic control / flagman, timing of works contingent upon availability of Public Works Department resources.
ITEM # 4 - (U) Curb Construction |
Flat rate fee per occurrence (minimum 20ft length), intended to recover costs associated with reinstating concrete sidewalk which was removed by third party utility companies (ie. Bell, Cable, Gas) or damages incurred by non-municipal operations. Includes traffic control / flagman, timing of works contingent upon availability of Public Works Department resources.
ITEM # 5 - (U) Curb Cutting |
Widening of an existing residential / commercial / industrial entrance curb in accordance with maximum width provided in the Zoning By-law.
Flat rate plus fee, intended to recover costs for removing barrier curb for private entrances (new or widening), sublet to third party contractor at discretion of Director of Works and Engineering
ITEM # 6 - (U) Private Sweeping |
Sweeping of un-assumed subdivision roads at request of Developer or as deemed necessary by Director of Works and Engineering. Rate (minimum 1 hour charge per occurrence) intended to cover costs of sweeping un-assumed subdivision streets at the request of the Developer or as deemed necessary by the Director of Works and Engineering (ie. responsibility of the Developer and debris caused by homebuilders).
ITEM # 7 - (U) Vacant Lot Grass Cutting |
$103.00/hour – 1 hour minimum charge
Cutting grass on privately owned vacant lots at default of property standards or as deemed necessary by Director of Works and Engineering
ITEM # 8 - (U)(R) Winter Maintenance of Un-assumed Roads |
$150.00/hour Snowplow / Operator plus $130.00 per metric tonne salt
Plowing, sanding and salting where required on un-assumed subdivision roads (ie. within Municipal road allowances) as deemed necessary by Director of Works and Engineering.
ITEM # 9 - (U)(R) Property Inquiry Request (lot grading compliance) |
Certification of compliance of lot grading, drainage and constructed services in accordance with approved drawings, conditional upon receipt of Certificate of Compliance issued by Developer's Engineer.
ITEM # 10 - (U)(R) Entrance Culvert Installation |
$3000.00 (minimum) <=9 meters plus $350.00 (minimum) per meters thereafter
Intended to recover all costs associated with installing new entrance culverts for single family residential infilling(not commercial/industrial or subdivision developments), including traffic control costs. Total costs (if greater than $3000.00) will be determined upon permit approval.
ITEM # 11 - (U)(R) Entrance Culvert Extension |
$200.00 per foot
Rate per foot of culvert extension (maximum 2 foot diameter), intended to recover costs for widening existing single family residential entrance culverts, includes traffic control costs.
ITEM # 12 - (U)(R) Private Roadway Signage |
Supply and installation of roadway signage within Municipal road allowance at request of private owner where signage is not required under provisions of OTM, signage shall become property and responsibility of Municipality including future replacement. Flat rate fee per occurrence, material costs include sign, post and hardware and nominal fee for future replacement.
ITEM # 13 - Road Occupancy Permit |
Any work occupying Municipal right-of-way or portions thereof, requires submission of a Traffic Control Plan in accordance with OTM Book 7, review of applicable securities and insurance, fee not applicable to permitted special events. Flat rate fee per occurrence, fee not applicable to Capital work projects or agents / contractors thereof, utility companies with franchise agreements required to notify road authority of work activity Road Occupancy Permits related to filming will incur staff time fees to have roads staff set up and monitor traffic control as calculated by time indicated on Road Occupancy Permit Application.
ITEM # 14 - Entrance Permit |
$250.00 + $1,250.00 refundable deposit
Review and approval of new residential entrances, includes field investigation where required, (see Note 5), fee shall not be in addition to approved applications under Site Plan Control (Minor or Major), Plan of Subdivision, OPA, ZBA, Minor Variance or Consent to Sever. Flat rate fee per occurrence, intended to recover costs associated with review and approval of new entrances including sight line visibility, culvert requirements, roadway signage.
ITEM #15 - Staff Time |
$44.06<1 Hour plus $44.06/hr
Dispatch of a roads operator during normal working hours at request of consumer / account holder / plumber. The rate per hour (1 hour minimum charge per occurrence) is at the discretion of the Director of Works and Engineering.
ITEM #16 - Staff Time After Hours |
$132.19 <1 hour plus $66.10/hr
Dispatch of a roads operator outside of normal working hours / weekends / statutory holidays, at request of consumer / account holder / plumber. The rate per hour (1 hour minimum charge per occurrence) is at the discretion of the Director of Works and Engineering or designate.
ITEM #17 - Equipment |
Will be set as required by referring to the Ontario Provincial Standard Schedule of Rental Rates for Construction Equipment, Including Model and Specification Reference most current version as updated from time to time. |
ITEM #18
Boulevard Tree Planting
$545.00/previous years average
Residents are able to donate to the Municipality to have a tree planted in the boulevard by their homes. The tree will be planted at the same time as the annual tree planting contract. Approved species are available on the website for residents to choose. The fee includes the purchase of the tree, planting by the awarded contractor, and a two year warranty to ensure survival.
Engineering Admin Service Fee
Services | Fees |
Item #1 - Servicing and Grading Review |
Review of site servicing (water, sanitary, storm) to ensure compliance with municipal standards, review of lot grading and drainage, review design reports for structural retaining walls and fences and slope hazards, includes field investigation and routine construction inspection where required. Flat rate fee is intended to ensure compliance to Municipal standards and for the protection against negative impacts to abutting lands.
ITEM # 2 - Municipal Utility Locate Fee |
Physically locate Municipal water, sanitary and storm sewer laterals and mains within Municipal road allowance vis-à-vis surface demarcations (ie. required condition of severance applications, building additions, private service replacements), confirmation of separate municipal services to separate dwellings. Flat rate fee per occurrence, includes written locate drawing, field investigation, review of sewer / water locate cards and GIS database, field demarcation and traffic control, material cost includes spray paint and grade stakes where applicable and repairs/maintenance of electronic locator device, dye tablet testing of sanitary laterals and camera investigation of laterals where applicable and at discretion of Director of Works and Engineering or designate.
ITEM # 3 - Encroachment Permit |
Review and approval of private encroachments within the Municipal road allowance (ie. stone retaining walls, porches, steps, landscape features and appurtenances), permit is conditional upon approval of required encroachment agreement by Council. Includes field investigation where required. Flat rate fee per occurrence.
ITEM # 4 - Servicing Inspection |
$283.00 per service type
Inspection of: Water- 510-502-0000-4255, Sanitary - 303-000-0000-4255303-000-0000-4255 Storm sewer services - 303-000-0000-4255
Installed by private third party contractors to ensure compliance with Municipal standards, fee applicable for infilling, excludes lots under umbrella of subdivision agreements
Servicing inspection fee is for one 3/4" or 1" water service, one 6" sanitary service c/w 4" reducer and one 6" storm service (additional fees will be required for additional and/or larger services. Flat rate fee per occurrence, intended to recover costs associated with inspecting the construction of water, sanitary and/or storm services from main to property line by private third party contractors, intended for single family residential infilling (not commercial/industrial and subdivision developments), includes costs for 'as-constructed' measurements and records, creation of water and sewer database cards and GIS input, does not include mainstop installation by licensed water distribution operator. This fee may be divided by the number of services required for inspection.
ITEM # 5 - Demolition Inspection |
Review and approval of proposals for abandonment of Municipal services (water, sanitary or storm), including inspection of capping following demolition. Deposit required to ensure that the private demolition contractor complies with Municipal requirements for properly abandoning Municipal services at the main unless otherwise directed by the Director of Works and Engineering or designate, including capping sanitary and storm laterals and capping mainstop at watermain. Deposit less deficiencies to be returned upon satisfaction of Director of Works and Engineering or designate.
ITEM # 6 - Detail Review and Approval of on-site/off-site |
4.5% of Total Development Cost <=$200,000 plus 2.5% thereafter
Review of site servicing (water, sanitary, storm) to ensure compliance with municipal standards, review of lot grading and drainage, review design reports for structural retaining walls and fences and slope hazards, includes field investigation and routine construction inspection where required.
ITEM # 7 – Administration Fee |
$50 per hour
Intended to recover the costs of processing applications and scheduling items listed as “Time plus Materials."
W & E Refundable Deposits
Services | Fees |
ITEM # 8 - Private Servicing Refundable Deposit
Deposit required to ensure that private servicing work, grading and drainage and reinstatement of Municipal road allowance and appurtenances thereof are constructed to Municipal standards and according to approved drawings, deposit less deficiencies to be returned upon satisfaction of the Director of Works and Engineering.
Flat rate fee per occurrence, intended to ensure compliance with approved drawings and municipal standards and that deficiencies are corrected in a timely manner, not usually a problem with infilling lots but mainly with subdivision lots wherein lots are sold by developer to home builder or where homeowner changes grading (ie. swimming pool installation) prior to release of subdivision securities, subdivision agreements to include clause requiring builders to submit deposit prior to building permit and regarding requirement for plot plans.
Site Alteration and Fill Permit Applications
Assumptions for all size fill operations
1) Staff member responsible is the Director of Works and Engineering
2) Allow $75.44 per hour which includes, salary & overhead
3) Time estimated below is minimum anticipated time for review and inspections
4) Security deposits commensurate with the work would be required to cover off damages to roads and infrastructure
5) Costs of land use planning reports/environmental impact studies, peer review and any soil testing to be done at applicants expense
6) All volume amounts would be determined from plans and profiles submitted by the applicant and checked by staff. This prevents having to deal with truck way slips and saves staff resources
Permit Costs on Cost Recovery Basis
Fill Operation | Cost |
Minor Fill Operation (less than 100m3) |
$150.88 |
Small Fill Operation (100 to 500m3) |
$754.40 |
Large Fill Operation (more than 500m3) |
$905.28 plus $1.81/m3 in excess of the first 500m3 |
Minor Fill Operation
Action | Time (hrs) | Salary/Rate | Est. Cost |
• Placing or dumping less than 100m3 of fill
• Typical load for standard dual axle dump truck ~10m3
- less than 10 trucks
- typical for lawn or garden
• Minimal staff review
Staff time processing permit application - determination of:
• fill control plan (5.2(f))
• truck routes (5.3)
• mud mats and dust control (5.4)
1.0 |
$75.44/hr |
$75.44 |
Time monitoring operation |
Responding to complaints or questions |
0.5 |
$75.44/hr |
$37.72 |
Communications with permit holder or applicant |
0.5 |
$75.44/hr |
$37.72 |
Reviewing reports, studies, surveys, documentation |
Total |
2.0 |
$150.88 |
Small Fill Operation
Action | Time (hrs) | Salary/Rate | Est. Cost |
- Placing or dumping between 100m3 and 500m3 of fill
- ~10 to 50 dump trucks
- Review of application including fill control plan to ensure no adverse impact on site and Neighbouring properties
- Monitoring of operation \
- Complaints re noise, dust, mud and volume of traffic
- Enforcement for non-compliance
Assumptions for Small Fill Operations:
- One initial visit at application and one during the work, one final.
staff time processing permit application - determination of:
• fill control plan (5.2(f))
• truck routes (5.3)
• mud mats and dust control (5.4)
3.0 |
$75.44/hr |
$226.32 |
Time monitoring operation |
3.0 |
$75.44/hr |
$226.32 |
Responding to complaints or questions |
1.0 |
$75.44/hr |
$75.44 |
Communications with permit holder or applicant |
1.0 |
$75.44/hr |
$75.44 |
Reviewing reports, studies, surveys, documentation |
2.0 |
$75.44 |
$150.88 |
Total |
10hrs |
$754.40 |
Large Fill Operation
Action | Staff Time (hrs) | Cost |
• Placing or dumping more than 500m3 of fill
• More than 50 dump trucks
• Detailed information for fill control plan
• Consultants for review
• Longer operation requiring continued monitoring
• Additional enforcement
Assumptions for Large Fill Operations
• Application and review costs the same as for Small fill operations and the permit covers all costs for the first 500m3
• Additional costs for ongoing monitoring for the fill in excess of the first 500 m3 are included in costs per cubic metre.
• Time for site visits and dealing with duration of truck traffic and public concerns and additional communications with Owner factor into the unit costs per cubic metre.
Calculation Table to Determine Costs per Cubic Metre Based on subsequent 500m3
Two site visits at 1.5 hrs each |
3.0 |
$226.32 |
Responding to complaints or questions of the public and instructions to other municipal staff concerning signage or haul routes and traffic control |
4.0 |
$301.76 |
Communications with permit holder or applicant |
2.0 |
$150.88 |
Reviewing reports, studies, surveys, documentation, soil tests, communicating with applicant’s consultants |
3.0 |
$226.32 |
Total based on 500m3 |
12.0 |
$905.28 |
Prorated per cubic metre ($600/500m3) |
$1.81/m3 |
Environmental Services |
A list of Environmental Services fees and charges Water Distribution Meters
Services | Fees |
Item #1 Residential 1" Water Meter |
Supply and installation of a new 1" residential water meter and remote sensor. Service call rate per hour (minimum 1 hour charge), administration fee, plus material costs. Material costs include the meter, and all associated parts as required (tail pieces, wire, remote sensor).
Item #2 Residential 5/8" Water Meter |
Supply and installation of a new water meter (5/8" chamber x 3/4" ears) and remote sensor. Service Call Rate per hour (minimum 1 hour charge), administration fee, plus material costs. Material costs include the meter, remote sensor, wiring, other supplies.
Item #3
Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Water Meter
Time plus material cost
Supply of water meter greater than 1", inclusive and supply and installation of remote sensor, fee applicable regardless of zoning designation (ie. commercial, industrial, institutional), only during normal working hours. Service Call Rate per hour (minimum 1 hour charge), administration fee, plus material costs. This includes supplying the meter (ie. control over make, model and sensor) and install remote sensor only as required (staff not licensed to install meter >1"), includes routine inspection of bypass connections and backflow prevention device (ie. meters 1 1/2" and greater require bypass connections which shall be sealed and tagged by Water Department operators to prevent theft of water)
Water Distribution Meter Repairs
Services | Fees |
Item #4 Obstructed Water Meter |
Time plus material cost
Correction of obstructed water meters (ie. private homeowners box-in or conceal access due to finished basements or historic home renovations). Service Call Rate per hour (minimum 1 hour charge), administration fee, plus material costs. Intended to recover costs for municipality to retain third party licensed contractor to correct obstruction to maintain legal access to water meter and sensor, fee shall include staff time, burdens and flat rate administration fee
Item #5 Meter Certification (Meter Test) |
$344.00 for a meter >1” / <1” will be time plus material cost
Written correspondence regarding physical test results of residential water meters at the request of homeowners. Fee shall be refunded should meter be faulty. Flat rate fee per occurrence intended to recover costs for certification of residential water meters less than 1” at the request of owner - includes removal of existing meter, certification by an approved third party company, re-installing meter and compliance report to owner.
Meters over 1” requiring certification - include testing of meter completed by a Municipal approved 3rd party company and compliance report to the owner. Owner is responsible for costs associated with removing and installing water meter. Replacement meter is payable by the owner.
Item #6
Backflow Inspection
For commercial development projects which are to be held responsible for the certification of the backflows. Director of Works and Engineering or designate approval for public connections.
Backflow fee of $110 per certification is consistent with going contractor rates. Includes Time, Paperwork and money to offset training and certification of BF Testing equipment
The owner is responsible for covering costs to replace borrowed/rented MPH backflow preventers damaged by frost and/or freezing.
Water Distribution Services
Services | Fees |
Item #7 Abandonment of Water Service |
$3708.00 for 8 hrs
MPH Water staff will physically disconnect abandoned water service at mainstop (ie. Prior to demolition). Flat rate fee per occurrence, intended to recover costs associated with excavation or hydrovac, disconnecting service lateral pipe and turning off mainstop at the watermain to mitigate potential contamination from stagnant water, material costs include reinstatement of asphalt and/or boulevard, curb and sidewalk where applicable. *In unusual circumstances this fee may be adjusted to recover costs exceeding $3708.00 at the discretion of the Director, Environmental Services.
Item #8 Damaged Curbstop |
Flat rate fee per occurrence, intended to recover costs associated with intentional damage to municipal valves at property line, to correct damage caused., material costs include service box and rod, repairs normally include hand digging and exposing 2' of service box and straightening / rethreading by hand. * Where damages require removal and installation of a new curbstop / streetbox / valve boxes and other time plus materials fee will be invoiced to the property owner. Intentional Damage may include negligence such as not obtaining locates and is at the Discretion of the Director, Environmental Services.
Item #9 Service Call During Operating Hours |
$57.00<1 Hour plus $57.00/hr thereafter
Dispatch of a licensed distribution operator during normal working hours at request of consumer / account holder / plumber. The rate per hour (1 hour minimum charge per occurrence) is at the discretion of the Director, Environmental Services.
Item #10 Service Call After Operating Hours |
$168.00<1 hour plus $168.00/hr thereafter
Dispatch of a licensed distribution operator outside of normal working hours / weekends / statutory holidays, at request of consumer / account holder / plumber. The rate per hour (1 hour minimum charge per occurrence) is at the discretion of the Director, Environmental Services.
Item #11 Residential Water Service Tapping up to 50mm (2 inch) |
Customer to supply parts and materials.¾””Approved contractor shall expose watermain and prepare trench in accordance with OHSA and to the satisfaction of the Director, Works and Engineering or designate and a licensed Water Operator shall live tap the watermain and install the mainstop in accordance with SDWA Provincial, Municipal and AWWA Standards during normal working hours, this or any fee is not applicable for service taps greater than 2" which must be completed by a certified private contractor with oversight by municipal water operators. A Road Occupancy Permit will also be required for work completed within the right of way.
Item #12 Residential Water Service Connection (existing dwelling utilizing a private well) |
Fee payable upon residential connection to an existing municipal water service at property line (ie. curbstop) of existing dwelling serviced by a private well or joint service, connection shall only be permitted following proof of private well decommissioning by a licensed well driller or physical disconnection of joint services where applicable (ie. VLA lots with services branched from abutting dwelling), fee reduced to encourage connection. The Environmental Services Department will not consider requests to construct new municipal service(s) under this or any category or fee type. Flat rate fee, intended to encourage existing residential dwellings with private wells to connect to municipal water system. *In unusual circumstances this fee may be adjusted to recover costs exceeding $1491.00 at the discretion of the Director of Works and Engineering.
Item #13 Residential Water Service Connection (vacant lot) |
Fee payable upon residential connection to an existing water service at property line (ie. curbstop), fee applicable only to vacant lots pre-serviced vis-àvis Capital reconstruction work, fee not applicable to lots which are part of a plan of subdivision.
Connection to pre-existing service will not be permitted if older than 20 years or at the discretion of Director, Environmental Services or designate.
The Environmental Services Department will not consider requests to construct new municipal service(s) under this or any category or fee type, Sanitary Service connections shall only be permitted following proof of Water Service connection to permit tracking and invoicing of usage. Flat rate fee, intended to recover the average cost of pre-servicing vacant residential lots or potentially severable lots from main to property line during road reconstruction or service main replacement, water service may have been constructed by public tender or by in-house forces, material costs include 10 meters of 3/4 inch or 1 inch service pipe, mainstop and curbstop, includes cost of watermain since value of vacant lot taxes did not pay for main costs
Water Distribution Hydrants
Services | Fees |
Item #14 Hydrant Meter |
$227.00 per meter plus per cubic meter consumption as per rate study.
Installation, monitoring and removal of temporary hydrant meter to regulate water usage during construction by approved third party contractors (ie. road compaction, sod watering). Includes backflow installation and certification. This fee or any fee not approved for private residential swimming pool consumption. The owner is responsible for covering costs to replace meters and backflow preventers damaged by neglect, frost and/or freezing.
Item #15 Hydrant Flow Test Supervision |
Dispatch of licensed distribution operator to monitor and supervise hydrant flow tests by approved third party contractors and Engineering Consultants. Flat rate fee per occurrence includes water consumption and operator supervision for up to 4 hours. The tests shall be performed by the private contractor / Engineering Consultant, static pressures and flows will not be measured by Water Operator, material costs include average water consumption costs as per rate study (ie. normally flush hydrant for 30min to clear rust in older mains).
Item #16 Bulk Water Consumption |
$2.53 per cubic meter
For bulk water at the Water Treatment Plant’s automated bulk water depot.
Item #17
Unmetered Water Consumption For Development
$100 - Single Family Dwelling
$100 per unit - Semi Detached
$300 flat rate and $50 per unit - Town/Condo. Over 25 units TBD by Director, Environmental Services or designate
$TBD by Director, Environmental Services or designate - Commercial/Industrial
Based on a per home being built by developers up to 10 m3. This fee covers the general cost of using water for construction purposes. Water usage for the purpose of continuous run shall be metered. A hydrant meter shall be used for watering sod and lawns which includes grass seed. Other less common uses will be as approved by the Director, Environmental Services or designate.
MPH recommends using metered water where possible. The owner is responsible for covering costs to replace meters damaged by frost and/or freezing.
Sanitary Sewer Revenue
Services | Fees |
Item #1 Residential Sanitary Service (vacant lot) |
Fee payable upon residential connection to an existing municipal sanitary sewer lateral at property line (i.e. cleanout), fee applicable only to vacant lots pre-serviced vis-à-vis Capital reconstruction work, fee not applicable to lots which are part of a plan of subdivision. The Environmental Services Department will not consider requests to construct new municipal service(s) under this or any category or fee type, Sanitary Service connections shall only be permitted following proof of Water Service connection to permit tracking and invoicing of usage. Connection to pre-existing service will not be permitted if older than 20 years or at the discretion of the Director, Environmental Services or designate.
Item #2 Residential Sanitary Service (existing dwelling) |
Fee payable upon residential connection to an existing municipal sanitary service at property line (i.e. cleanout) of existing dwelling serviced by a private septic system or joint service, connection shall only be permitted following proof of private septic system decommissioning or physical disconnection of joint services where applicable (i.e. Veteran Lands Act lots with services branched from abutting dwelling). This fee has been reduced to encourage connection. Sanitary Service connections shall only be permitted following proof of Water Service connection to permit tracking and invoicing of usage. Connection to pre-existing service will not be permitted if older than 20 years or at the discretion of the Director, Environmental Services or designate.
Item #3 Service Call (during operating hours) |
$57.00<1 Hour plus $57.00/hr thereafter per operator required
Dispatch of a licensed collections operator during normal working hours at request of consumer / account holder / plumber. The rate per hour (1-hour minimum charge per occurrence) is at the discretion of the Director, Environmental Services.
Item #4 Service Call (after operating hours) |
$168.00<1 hour plus $168.00/hr thereafter per operator required
Dispatch of a licensed collections operator outside of normal working hours / weekends / statutory holidays, at request of consumer / account holder / plumber. The rate per hour (1-hour minimum charge per occurrence) is at the discretion of the Director, Environmental Services.
Item #5 Obstructed Clean-out |
$ Service Call plus Materials |
Item #6 Abandonment of Sanitary Service |
Physically disconnect abandoned the sanitary service at the main (i.e.. Prior to demolition). Flat rate fee per occurrence, intended to recover costs associated with excavation or hydrovac, material costs, reinstatement of asphalt and/or boulevard, curb and sidewalk where applicable. *In unusual circumstances this fee may be adjusted to recover costs exceeding $4223.00 at the discretion of the Director, Environmental Services or designate.
Item #7 Damaged Clean-out Cap |
Cost to replace a damaged clean out cap only.
Item #8 Damaged Clean-out |
Flat rate fee per occurrence, intended to recover costs associated with excavating and minor repairs to the sanitary clean out at property line, to correct damage caused by private contractors, material costs include repairs and also include hand digging and exposing >2'.* Where damages require more excavation and replacement of other appurtenances resulting from major damage by third party private contractors (i.e. paving companies, Union Gas, Bell Canada) Time plus materials fee will be invoiced to the property owner to recover time plus materials.
Item #9 Camera Inspection |
$168.00/hour + Service Call Fee
Fee for camera and video inspection of private sanitary lateral or municipal portion. Fee will be returned if an issue is identified on the municipal side.
Sanitary Waste Disposal Revenue
Services | Fees |
Item #10 Septage Waste Disposal Permit |
Approval for receipt of septic waste during normal working hours, including inspection and recording of volume at WPCP prior to discharge into influent receiving stream, administration fee shall not apply to disposal of private noncommercial camping trailers accepted at STP during normal working hours. Flat rate fee applicable for each occurrence or one time annual/seasonal fee at discretion of Director, Environmental Services or designate and shall be payable prior to first annual use. Intended to recover costs associated with administration, processing of application, monitoring and recording of loads and monthly invoices.
Item #11 Septage Waste Disposal |
For bulk septage disposal at the Wastewater Treatment Plant’s disposal depot during normal working hours.
Item #12 Septage Waste Disposal After Hours |
$168.00 per load plus $0.014/litre
For bulk septage disposal at the Wastewater Treatment Plant’s disposal depot during after working hours.
Heritage Port Hope |
A list of Heritage Port Hope's fees and charges Heritage Port Hope
Type of Application | Fee |
Sale of Heritage Plaques |
$350.00 |
Cemetery |
List of Cemetery fees and charges Graves
Graves | Interment Rights | Care & Maintenance | Total |
Regular |
$1320.00 |
$880.00 |
$2200.00 |
Child |
$1320.00 |
$880.00 |
$2200.00 |
Infant |
$150.00 |
$150.00 |
$300.00 |
Cremation |
$360.00 |
$240.00 |
$600.00 |
Columbarium Niche |
$1,785.00 |
$315.00 |
$2,100.00 |
Scattering Garden |
$510.00 |
$90.00 |
$600.00 |
Rights for scattering ashes do not include the cost for a plaque
Niches in Columbarium do not include the cost of engraving Grave Markers and Monuments
Type | Care & Maintenance |
Flat Marker (at least 439.2 sq. cm./173 sq. in.) |
$100.00 |
Upright - Small - in height and length (1.22 metres x 1.22 metres (4 feet by 4 feet) |
$200.00 |
Upright - Large - in height and length (larger than 1.22 metres x 1.22 metres (4 feet by 4 feet) |
$400.00 |
Type | Cost |
Adult |
$1000.00 |
Child |
$300.00 |
Infant |
N/A |
Cremation |
$400.00 |
Double depth |
$300.00 |
Other Charges
Service | Fee |
Saturdays before 1 p.m. |
$300.00 |
Winter burial |
$250.00 |
Holiday |
$300.00 |
Late charges (after 3:30 p.m.) |
$250.00 |
Cornerstone Installation (4) |
$40.00 |
Disinterment - regular |
$1,500.00 |
Disinterment - cremation |
$300.00 |
Grave set-up |
$300.00 |
Lot transfer |
$100.00 |
Scattering Garden Plaque |
$300.00 |
Development Services |
A list of Development Services fees and charges Official Plan Amendment Fees
Type of Application | Fee |
Official Plan Amendment (OPA) - Basic |
$9,900.00 |
Official Plan Amendment (OPA) - Major (large scale residential and ICI projects) |
$15,400.00 |
Concurrent Official Plan and Zoning By- Law Amendments (Combined OPA/ZBA) |
Applicable OPA fee plus 50% of ZBA |
Zoning By-law Amendment Fees
Type of Application | Fee |
Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) - Basic Amendment, Temporary Use |
$5,500.00 |
Zoning By-law Amendment - Major (large scale residential and ICI projects), Interim Control |
$9,900.00 |
Concurrent Official Plan and Zoning By- Law Amendments (Combined OPA/ZBA) |
Applicable OPA fee plus 50% of ZBA |
Zoning By-law Amendment - Remove Holding Symbol |
$850.00 |
Temporary Use By-law |
$5,500.00 |
Temporary Use By-law Extension |
$1,000.00 |
Plan of Subdivision Fees
Type of Application | Fee |
Plan of Subdivision or Condominium - 20 lots/units or less, extension of draft and amendment to draft approval |
$12,500.00 |
Plan of Subdivision or Condominium - 21 lots/units or more, extension of draft and amendment to draft approval |
$10,000.00 + $120.00 per lot/unit over 20 lots/units |
Plan of Subdivision or Condominium - request for final approval |
$1,500.00 + $60.00 per unit/lot |
Red Line revision to Draft Plan (Major) |
$4,500.00 |
Red Line revision to Draft Plan (Minor) |
$1,500.00 |
Subdivision Agreement where not part of a subdivision application |
$4,500.00 |
Condominium Exemption |
$1,500.00 + $60.00 per unit |
Extension to Draft Plan Approval |
$3,500.00 |
Committee of Adjustment Fees
Type of Application | Fee |
Consent to Sever (each new parcel) |
$3,000.00 + $550.00 per Consent Certificate
Lot Addition/Lot Line Adjustment
Lease over 21 yrs
Mortgage/charge or partial discharge of mortgage/charge
$1,500.00 |
Change to Conditional Consent Approval |
$500.00 |
Minor Variance (New build & no new build) |
$1,500.00 |
Adjournment of a Consent or Variance at applicant's request |
$300.00 |
Site Plan Fees
Type of Application | Fee | Explanatory notes |
Site Plan Control - Basic, or amendment to agreement, includes agreement to original site plan application. |
$4,000.00 |
N/A |
Site Plan Control - Major (large scale residential and ICI projects) includes agreement
$7,000.00 + $600.00 per submission >=3rd Submission |
N/A |
Minor Adjustments to Site Plan Control |
$800.00 |
Following the Council approving the By-law and/or registration of Site Plan Agreement: Includes review of the revised plans, comment, and approval, as well as administration changes. |
Telecommunication (where no Site Plan Control is required) |
Refer to Site Plan Control - Basic or Major |
Includes general review of plans and reports, discussions, attendance at Development Team, issuance of Letter of Concurrence. |
Development Agreement Fees
Type of Application | Fee |
Development Agreement / Pre-servicing Agreement |
$3,500.00 |
Development Agreement - Amendment
$2,500.00 |
Part Lot Control By-law, validation of title |
$1,500.00 |
Other Fees
Type of Application | Fee | Explanatory notes |
Zoning Compliance Letter |
$125.00 |
N/A |
Zoning Compliance Letter (expedited) |
$175.00 |
N/A |
Includes general planning review of development concepts, reports, application and plans, discussions, preparation of memoranda, reports, and/or correspondence, and discussions in advance of formal submission of planning application(s). |
Reactivation of Application dormant longer than 1 year |
$800.00 |
Includes analysis of conditions, discussions, and recirculation. |
OLT Fee |
$2,000.00 |
N/A |
Building Service - Fees based on 100% cost recovery
Classification / Fee Type | Minimum Fee | Adjusted Fee |
Group 'C' - New construction and additions to Low Density Residential
- Single detached
- Semi-detached (per unit)
- Townhouse
- Row house
- Duplex (per unit)
- Converted dwelling (per unit)
- Mobile home
- Garden suite
- Apartment-in-a-house
$2,445.00/dwelling unit up to 1,500 ft² of floor area. Floor area applies to finished floor area and attached garage. |
$1.63/ft² for buildings with a floor area over 1,500ft². |
Group 'C' - New construction and additions to Multiple Residential
- Triplex
- Quadraplex
- Apartment Building
- Any other multiple unit dwelling over 2 units
$2,445.00/dwelling unit up to 1,500 ft² of first floor area. Floor area applies to finished floor area and attached garage. |
$1.63/ft² for suites with a floor area over 1,500ft². |
Group 'C' - Residential - Major alterations and renovations
- Finished basement
- Apartment-In-House
- Kitchen Renovations
$1,630.00 / dwelling unit up to 1000 ft² of floor area. Floor area applies to finished floor area and attached garage. |
$1.63/ft² for dwellings with a floor area over 1000 ft². |
Group 'C' - Residential - Minor additions, alterations, and renovations
- Garage
- Carport
- Deck
- Porch
- Accessory Building
$480.00 / structure up to 400 ft² in area. |
$1.20/ft² for structures with an area over 400 ft². |
Group 'C' - Demolition
$250.00 / structure up to 1000 ft² in building area. |
$0.25/ft² for structures with a building area over 1000 ft². |
Group 'A', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'F' - new construction and additions, complete building or shell only |
$3,960.00 up to 2,200ft² - applies to the shell where only the shell is constructed or to the complete building where the permit is issued for both. |
$1.80/ft² for buildings with a floor area over 2,200ft² |
Group 'A', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'F' - major additions or alterations (> $10,000 construction value) |
$3,000.00 up to 2,500ft² - area applies to the area being altered or the area of the addition. |
$1.20/ft² for buildings with a floor area over 2,500ft² |
Group 'A', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'F' - minor alterations, renovations, and retrofits |
$600.00 up to 500 ft² |
$1.20/ft² for buildings with a floor area over 500 ft² |
Group 'A', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'F' - Demolition |
$375.00 / structure up to 1500 ft² |
$0.25/ft² for structures with a floor area over 1500 ft² |
Farm Buildings - new construction and additions |
$2,250.00 up to 5,000ft² |
$0.45/ft² for new buildings with a floor area over 5,000ft² |
Farm Buildings - Alterations and renovations |
$450.00 up to 1,000ft² |
$0.45/ft² for new buildings with a floor area over 1,000ft² |
Other Building Fees
Type of Fee | Cost |
Plumbing permit - Base fee + # of fixtures |
$50.00 administration fee + (refer to Northumberland County) |
Alternative Solutions |
Cause Construction without a Permit
Double the permit fee
Change of use - No construction
$250.00 up to 1,000 ft2
$0.25/ft2 for floor area over 1,000 ft2
Copy of permit
Dormant Permit - Occupancy Inspection when more than 2 years has passed since the building permit was issued
Transfer of permit
Failure to follow approved drawings and/or comply with an Order
Reinspection Fee - beyond 2 inspections |
$150.00 |
Resubmission of an Application |
25% surcharge on permit fee |
Revision to an application or permit |
$150.00 / hour |
Revision (minor) to an application or permit |
$150.00 |
After Hours Inspection – Minimum 3 hours |
$225.00 / hour |
Communication tower/facility, silo, wind turbine |
$250.00 |
Fire Code Retrofitting |
$200.00 / inspection |
Heating – Standalone and refurbishment |
$200.00 |
L.L.B.O application |
$150.00 |
Retaining Wall |
$200.00 |
Signs (per sign basis) |
Signs 1m2 and under $25.00 per sign
Signs greater than 1m2 $200 per sign
Municipal Addressing
Municipal Number for Ward 2
Emily Sign (Non-residential)
Tank installation/removal (fuel, manure) |
$200.00 |
Tents / temporary buildings |
$200.00 |
Wood stoves/fuel burning appliances |
$200.00 |
Minor permits at the CBO / DCBO discretion |
$250.00 |
Where additional expenses are incurred by the Municipality, these expenses may be added.
Development Charges are applicable for most construction. Contact the Building Department to determine the fee for your project. Sidewalk Patio Extensions - One Time Purchase Cost
Service | Fee |
Deck materials and labour |
$1,200.00 |
Railings around patio area |
$2,000.00 |
Planters as safety barriers (6) @ 1,000 |
$6,000.00 |
Total |
$9,200.00 plus HST |
*Amortized over a three (3) year period, the annual cost would be $3,066.66 plus HST
Sidewalk Patio Extensions - Annual Installation and Removal Cost
Service | Fee |
Installation of patio by municipality |
$200.00 |
Removal of patio by municipality |
$200.00 |
Use of parking space (May 1 - Oct 31 @ $200/month) |
$1,200.00 |
Total |
$1,600.00 plus HST |
Sidewalk Patio Extensions - Annual Yearly Cost
Service | Fee |
1/3 of construction cost |
$3,066.66 |
Labour and parking space |
$1,600.00 |
Total |
$4,666.66 plus HST |
Transit Bus Revenue
Transit | Fees |
1. Infant Transit (age 3 or under) |
Free |
2. Student Transit (per trip)1
Student shall be any person of age 4 to 17 inclusive, applicable for patrons of conventional / specilized / shuttle bus, (Patrons of Specialized transit service required to obtain authorization by Accessibility Committee prior to use)
$2.00 per trip (does not include shuttle transfer)
Cash fare per trip, photo identification may be required by Transit Operator as proof of age
3. Student Transit (monthly)2
Student shall be any person of age 4 to 17 inclusive, applicable for patrons of conventional / specilized / shuttle bus, (Patrons of Specialized transit service required to obtain authorization by Accessibility Committee prior to use)
Pass includes transfer to Inter-Municipal shuttle and Rolls
4. Student Pass (Reduced Hours)3
Student shall be any person of age 4 to 17 inclusive, applicable for patrons of conventional/shuttle bus, (Patrons of Specialized transit service required to obtain authorization by Accessibility Committee prior to use)
Does not include transfers to Inter-Municipal shuttle or the Rolls
Photo identification may be required by Transit Operator as proof of eligibility
5. Adult Transit (per trip)4
Adult shall be any person of age 18 to 54 inclusive, applicable for patrons of conventional / mobility / shuttle bus, (Patrons of Specialized transit service required to obtain authorization by Accessibility Committee prior to use)
$2.50 per trip (does not include shuttle transfer)
Cash fare per trip, photo identification may be required by Transit Operator as proof of age
6. Adult Transit (monthly)5
Adult shall be any person of age 18 to 54 inclusive, applicable for patrons of conventional / mobility / shuttle bus, (Patrons of Specialized transit service required to obtain authorization by Accessibility Committee prior to use)
Pass includes transfer to Inter-Municipal shuttle and Rolls
7. Senior Transit (per trip)6
Senior shall be any person of age 55 or over, applicable for patrons of conventional / specialized / shuttle bus, (Patrons of Specialized transit service required to obtain authorization by Accessibility Committee prior to use)
Does not include shuttle transfer
Cash fare per trip, photo identification may be required by Transit Operator as proof of age
8. Senior Transit (monthly)7
Senior shall be any person over the age of 55 inclusive, applicable for patrons of conventional / mobility / shuttle bus, (Patrons of Specialized transit service required to obtain authorization by Accessibility Committee prior to use)
Pass includes transfer to Inter-Municipal shuttle and Rolls
9. Inter-Municipal Shuttle |
$1 (bus transfer) or $2 (Cobourg shuttle only) |
1 Age 4 to 17, does not include Inter-Municipal shuttle transfer or rolls 2 Age 4 to 17, includes Inter-Municipal shuttle transfer or rolls 3 Age 4 to 17, does not include Inter-Municipal shuttle transfer or rolls 4 Age 18 to 54, does not include Inter-Municipal shuttle transfer or rolls 5 Age 18 to 54, includes Inter-Municipal shuttle transfer or rolls 6 Age 55 and over, does not include Inter-Municipal shuttle transfer or rolls 7 Age 55 and over, includes Inter-Municipal shuttle transfer or rolls Economic Development
Service | Fee |
Community Entrance Signs Display Fee |
$45.00 per event display |
Filming Fees
Service | Description | Fee |
HBIA Set Dressing and Set Wrapping Fee |
Dressing and wrapping activities occurring within the HBIA for which a film permit is issued. |
$500.00 per day |
Municipality of Port Hope Set Dressing and Set Wrapping Fee |
Dressing and wrapping activities occurring throughout the Municipality, including the HBIA for which a film permit is issued. |
$500.00 per day |
HBIA Filming Locations Fee |
Filming activities occurring within the HBIA for which a film permit is issued |
$1,000.00 per day per location |
Municipality of Port Hope Locations Fee |
Filming activities occurring throughout the Municipality, including the HBIA, for which a film permit is issued |
$500.00 per day per location |
Film Liaison Officer |
Film officer on-site for all location shooting for which a film permit is issued |
$55.00/hr per day |
Municipal Facility or Property Set Rental |
Use of indoor or outdoor Municipal Facilities as a film set (only for Facilities that are not included in Parks and Facilities community rentals) |
$1,000.00 per day per facility |
Municipal Facility or Property Rental for other filming use |
Use of internal or external Municipal Facilities for a non-set filming use, such as parking, storage, green room, lunchroom, etc. (only for Facilities that are not included in Parks and Facilities community rentals) |
$1,000.00 per day rental |
Late Charge Fee – Film Permit Application |
Film Permit Applications must be submitted at least 21 days in advance of the first filming date |
$350.00 per late submission |
Filming Fines and Charges
Fines and Charges | Description |
Fee |
Traffic holds that exceed the length of time permitted |
Film permits that include intermittent traffic control permits will include a maximum allowable time for traffic holds. Failure to comply keep holds within that maximum timeframe will result in charges per hold. |
$1,000 for 1st infraction
$500.00 for 2nd to 5th infraction
$250.00 for 6th to 9th infraction
$1,000 for 10th and all subsequent infractions
Illegal removal of street signs
If a set requires the removal of street signs, they must be submitted in advance to the Film Liaison and removed by Municipal staff. This fee will be applied if film crew remove the signs themselves without prior permission by Municipal Film Liaison. |
Filming or occupying roads or sidewalks for the purposes of filming outside the permitted location |
A film permit that includes road occupancy permits will indicate the parameters of permitted occupancy areas. Occupying roads or sidewalks beyond what is permitted will incur this fine. |
$1,000.00 per infraction
Additional Costs (if needed)
Service | Description | Fee |
Late Charge Fee - Road Occupancy Permit Application |
Road Occupancy Permit Applications must be submitted at least 10 days in advance of the occupancy date |
$350.00 per late submission
Late Document Fee |
Incomplete applications or late changes to existing documentation for Film Permits or Road Occupancy Permits |
$350.00 per late document
Filming activities can involve incurring fees or charges from other departments; filming crew are also expected to abide by parking and traffic by-laws and the film company is subject to any fines their crew incur on their behalf. Please refer to Schedule B for Works and Engineering fees. Please refer to Schedule K for Protective Services fees for parking infractions. Please refer to Schedule C for Water and Wastewater services. Please refer to Schedule J for Parks Recreation and Culture fees. Additional film-related fines and charges are listed below.
Security Deposit - Works and Engineering Department
Crew |
Fee |
Small Crew (1-30) |
$10,000.00 |
Medium Crew (31-100) |
$25,000.00 |
Large Crew (101+) |
$50,000.00 |
Finance |
A list of Finance fees and charges
Finance Applications
Ref # | Application | Fee |
1 |
Tax Certificate |
$40.00 |
2 |
Water Account set-up Administration |
$30.00 |
3 |
Bulk Water set-up Registration |
$100.00 |
4 |
Additional/Replacement Bulk Water Fob |
$25.00 |
5 |
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Cheque or Returned Payment |
$30.00 |
6 |
Unofficial Statement ** The first reprint of the current year is free. |
$5.00 |
7 |
Tax Account Title Change (includes sales, transfers, adding and removing mortgagee) |
$25.00 |
8 |
Electronic Payment Transfer (wrong account for taxes and/or water) |
$25.00 |
9 |
Additions to Tax Roll (water/sewer arrears, property standards) |
$25.00 |
10 |
Processing fee to Mortgage Companies that remit payment of their customers' property taxes |
$15.00 |
11 |
Refund of Overpayment by Property Owner, Mortgage Company, and Lawyers |
$25.00 |
12 |
Farm Debt Notice |
$50.00 per notice |
13 |
Tax Sale Administration |
Actual costs incurred |
Interest on water and wastewater accounts will be applied as per the Water and Wastewater Billing and Collection Policy. Interest on tax accounts will be applied as per the Interim Tax Levy and Levy By-laws.
Animal Control |
A list of Animal Control fees and charges
Animal Control
Annual Dog Tag Purchase | Fee |
Spayed or neutered |
$20.00 |
Not spayed or not neutered
$35.00 |
Replacement Dog Tag |
$5.00 |
Kennels and Appeals
Kennels and Appeals | Fee |
Annual Kennel License |
$200.00 plus HST (inc. inspection) |
Order to Restrain - Appeal Hearing Fee |
$100.00 |
Livestock Valuer
Service | Fee |
Fee per evaluation and re-attendance as required |
$75.00 each plus applicable mileage |
Poundkeeping Fees
The following fee schedule shall apply to the above service: | Fee |
Horse |
$15.00 per head per day |
Bull, cow or other cattle |
$15.00 per head per day |
Donkey, lama |
$15.00 per head per day |
Other exotic large animal |
$15.00 per head per animal |
Goat |
$12.00 per head per day |
Sheep |
$12.00 per head per day |
Pig |
$6.00 per head per day |
Ostrich or Emu |
$6.00 per bird per day |
Other exotic small animal or bird |
$5.00 per head per animal |
Geese, Turkey, or other poultry |
$3.00 per bird per day |
In accordance with the Pounds Act, any animal delivered to the Poundkeeper or confined by the Poundkeeper shall be provided with adequate food, water and shelter during the whole time that such animal is impounded or confined. A $12.00 per hour fee for services rendered by the Poundkeeper shall apply in carrying out the provisions of the Pounds Act over and above fees for food, water and shelter. Contact the Northumberland Humane Society for more information. The owner of any livestock or poultry running at large contrary to the Pounds Act shall be liable for damages done by such animal based on actual costs. Costs incurred for services rendered or supplies expended including veterinary fees or fees and charges through any other organization required for the health and welfare of the animal shall be based on actual cost recovery for fees and charges incurred. Dog tags are purchased and managed through the Northumberland Humane Society and Docupet
Corporate Services |
List of Corporate Services fees and charges Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) The Corporation's regularly administered Schedule of Fees and Services shall apply unless otherwise specifically provided for herein. The Municipality will make reasonable efforts in light of the requester's disability to provide the documentation.
Type | Fee |
1 to 10 original documents - Double-sided |
$0.25 per sheet |
1 to 10 original documents - Single-sided |
$0.20 per sheet |
11 to 50 original documents - Double-sided |
$0.20 per sheet |
11 to 50 original documents - Single-sided |
$0.15 per sheet |
Over 50 original documents - Double-sided |
$0.15 per sheet |
Over 50 original documents - Single-sided |
$0.10 per sheet |
Type | Cost |
Printed Copy |
$10.00 per agenda |
Registered Press to receive a complimentary hard copy upon request. |
Commissioner of Oaths
Service | Fee |
Residency documentation |
$5.00 per document for non-resident and all business entities |
Deeds |
$5.00 per document for non-resident and all business entities |
Insurance Claims |
$5.00 per document for non-resident and all business entities |
Pension Plan Documents |
$5.00 per document for non-resident and all business entities |
Certify Documents as "true copies" |
$5.00 per document for non-resident and all business entities |
Commissioning affidavits or other applicable documents |
$5.00 per document for non-resident and all business entities |
Birth and Death information applications as prescribed by Statute |
$5.00 per document for non-resident and all business entities |
Certification of Identifiable Individual's Signature |
$5.00 per document for non-resident and all business entities |
Commissioning Ministry of Transportation Documents |
$15.00 per document |
Commissioning of Oath Services including commissioning of an affidavit by the Clerk or Deputy Clerk for documents in accordance with the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act.
Fence Viewing Ward 2
Service | Fee |
Fencer Viewers Application |
$250.00 |
Fence Viewer evaluation and reattendance |
$60/call out + mileage |
Postage/Registered Mail/Prescribed Forms/Stationary |
Actual cost recovery of cost incurred |
Photocopies |
Refer to rate set above |
Ontario Land Surveyor |
Actual cost recovery of cost incurred |
Other applicable costs as required to carry out the provisions of the Line Fences Act |
Actual cost recovery of cost incurred |
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOI)
FOI Service | Fee |
Opening a Request |
$5.00 |
Photocopies/Computer Printouts |
$0.20 per page |
CD/DVD or USB Key |
$10.00 |
Search Time |
$30 per hour per employee |
Preparing a Record of Disclosure |
$30 per hour per employee |
Fees are defined by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 823. To meet the needs of our requesters, we are offering USB keys in lieu of mostly obsolete CD-ROMS at the same legislated fee of $10.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOI)
Fees are defined by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 823. To meet the needs of our requesters, we are offering USB keys in lieu of mostly obsolete CD-ROMS at the same legislated fee of $10.
License | Fee |
Annual Bed and Breakfast License |
$200.00 (including inspection) |
Annual Refreshment Vehicle License |
$500.00 (including inspection) |
Annual Hawkers and Peddlers License |
$400.00 |
License Agreements |
$400.00 plus expenses |
Marriage Licenses |
$125.00 |
Annual Salvage Yard License |
$200.00 (including inspection) |
Alcohol and Gaming Commission
License | Fee |
Amendments of Particulars on License |
$25.00 |
Extension of Expiry Date on License |
$25.00 |
Approval for Licenses issued by the Province or another Municipality |
$25.00 |
Facsimile Transmission to or for Third Parties |
$5.00 |
List of Break-Open Ticket Sales Locations or Organizations |
$10.00 |
Bazaars |
3% of prize value |
Break-Open Tickets |
3% of prize value |
Raffles |
3% of prize value |
Parks, Recreation and Culture |
List of Parks, Recreation, and Culture fees and charges Definitions: The following definitions pertain to the booking and program structure to guide staff in determining the rental/program rate to be applied. Staff will have a full comprehensive chart with all individual fees broken down by the following defined groups. Definitions do not indicate permissions for all rentals as some requirements may be outlined in additional By-Laws and agreements (examples: Parks By-Law, Waiving or Reduction of fees policy). Private Rental/Base Rate – applies to individuals/ groups that reside in the Municipality of Port Hope and are renting the space for private non-revenue generating use. Commercial – (applicable rate plus 25%) – applies to any for profit business for revenue generating use. Adult – (less 15% of Base) – applies to organizations or individuals that are non-revenue generating or non-profit in nature. These organizations will provide services primarily to adults or be considered a community service organization. Youth/Senior – (less 35% of Base) – applies to organizations or individuals that are non-revenue generating or non-profit in nature. These organizations will provide services for children, youth and seniors. Non-local sport groups – (applicable rate plus 25%) – applies to any non-resident sport group/organization for non-revenue generating use. Admission Age Breakdown:
- Infant 0-1
- Child 2-12yrs
- Youth 13-17yrs
- Adult 18-54yrs
- Senior 55yrs+
General Booking Notes:
- Bookings will be charged on a one hour or half hour increment.
- Multi-day events will be charged a maximum of 12 hours per day (2 or more days booked).
- For licensed events, an additional fee of $10 will be charged per hour, on top of the room rental rate, during the licensed times.
- Additional Set-up or Take Down costs and/or extra clean-up will be charged at a rate of $25/hr./staff at the discretion of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture.
- Applicable admin, cancellation and NSF fees will be charged based on changes and cancellations.
- All facility reservations will be billed a non-refundable 25% at time of booking.
- Support workers attending with a patron who requires assistance will not be charged an admission fee as per the AODA customer service policy.
- Multi-visit passes expire 365 days from purchase.
- 3% increase on all fees annually unless otherwise indicated.
Jack Burger Sports Complex
Jack Burger Sports Complex 2025
Room Rentals (3% increase per year) per hour unless indicated
Area | Base Rate 2025 |
Community Room |
$33.96 |
Mezzanine (flat rate all groups) |
$21.01 |
Upper Viewing (flat rate all groups) |
$21.01 |
Lobby (per day) |
$33.54 |
Arena Rentals - Ice (3% increase per year)
Rental Group | Base Rate 2025 |
Mon-Fri before 4:00 p.m. (all groups) |
$107.11 |
Mon-Fri after 4:00 p.m. and weekends |
$208.51 |
Birthday party (includes tax) |
$146.88 |
Sponsored Skate |
$152.45 |
Arena Rentals - Floor (3% increase per year)
Rental Group | Base Rate 2025 |
Sport |
$67.26 |
Event |
$90.79 |
Event half day (up to 6 hrs) |
$490.30 |
Event full day (6-12 hrs) |
$871.63 |
Arena Rentals - Parking Lot (3% increase per year)
Rental Group | Base Rate 2025 |
Per day |
$177.74 |
Notes: Birthday party rental package based on 1 hour pool or ice youth rate and 2 hour youth community room rate, free set up and clean up. Ice and floor rates are per hour unless indicated otherwise.
Arena Drop In Programs (3% increase per year, rounded to the nearest quarter)
Program | Base Rate 2025 |
Public Skating |
$4.48 |
Stick and Puck |
$5.80 |
Floor Programming |
$1.94 |
Skate Sharpening (per pair) |
$6.54 |
Pool Rentals (3% increase per year) per hour - Swim Teams
Pool Group | Base Rate 2025 |
Per lane (includes guard) |
$19.18 |
Full pool |
$105.68 |
Swim meet set up |
$54.53 |
Swim meet clean up |
$109.04 |
Pool Group | Base Rate 2025 |
Base |
$124.32 |
Birthday party (exempt) |
$181.42 |
Sponsored Swims |
$165.48 |
Water walkway |
$28.22 |
Pool Group | Base Rate 2025 |
Per guard |
$28.22 |
Notes: Birthday party rental package based on 1 hour pool youth rate and 2 hour youth community room rate, free set up and clean up. Lifeguard costs will be allocated based on Ontario Health Regulations and at the discretion of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture.
Pool Drop In Programs (3% increase per year, rounded to the nearest quarter)
Program | Base Rate 2025 |
Recreational Swimming |
$6.51 |
Promo Swim (all ages) |
$1.88 |
Drop in Aquafit/easy |
$11.06 |
Drop in Specialty (Zumba/synchro etc) |
$15.34 |
Pool Registered Programs (3% increase per year)
Program | Base Rate 2025 |
Aquafitness |
$9.62 |
Specialty Fitness/programs |
Lessons (children tax exempt)
Program | Base Rate 2025 |
One hour |
$11.30 |
45 Minutes |
$10.08 |
30 Minutes |
$9.34 |
Private (per person 30-min) |
$29.41 |
Semiprivate (per person 30 min) |
$20.35 |
Leadership (applicable tax for all)
Program | Base Rate 2025 |
Bronze Medallion (includes book) |
$248.34 |
Bronze Cross |
$193.03 |
National Lifeguard Course |
$347.73 |
Swim Instructor |
$241.02 |
Lifesaving Instructor |
$241.02 |
Recertification Courses |
$68.86 |
Notes: Water fitness programs receive discounts for multiple day registration in a session with 15% off base for second class, 25% off base for third class, 35% off base for fourth class, 40% off base for 5th class. Registered programs based on 1 hour, pro-rated or increased based on length of class. i.e. 30-minute, 45-minute, 90-minute etc. Lessons - Children are tax exempt. Leadership - applicable tax for all.
Town Park Recreation Centre |
Town Park Recreation Centre 2025
Room Rentals (3% increase per year) per hour unless indicated
Area | Base Rate 2025 |
Gymnasium |
$59.99 |
*Multi-purpose room 1 |
$12.63 |
*Multi-purpose room 2 |
$33.96 |
*Multi-purpose room 3 |
$47.74 |
*Multi-purpose room 4 |
$33.96 |
*Multi-purpose room 5 |
$24.50 |
*Kitchen (per day non licensed event) |
$33.76 |
*Kitchen (per day licensed event) |
$65.56 |
*Fall Fair Centre |
$44.38 |
*Sponsored Drop In (per day) |
$53.04 |
Birthday party package gym (20) |
$130.31 |
Birthday party package basic craft (10) |
$152.16 |
Birthday Party Package specialty (10) |
$184.95 |
55 plus Membership (annual) |
$20.00 |
*Plus tax
Notes: birthday party based on 1 hour staffed and 2 hours room, supplies and note maximum numbers, plus tax
Drop In Programs (Flat rate exempt from annual fee increase, reviewed annually)
Program | Base Rate 2025 |
Gym Tier 1 (i.e. badminton, basketball) |
$3.50 |
Gym Tier 2 (i.e. pickleball) |
$4.66 |
Gym Tier 3 (i.e. Tennis) |
$4.66 |
Fun for Life (all ages) |
$2.00 |
Fitness |
$9.15 |
Notes: Based on per hour and will be adjusted by length of program time. Gym tiers are determined based on setup requirements.
Registered Programs
Program | Base Rate 2025 |
One hour general |
$10.61 |
One hour specialty |
$12.22 |
Supplies (per program/person) |
$10.93 |
Supplies (per program/person) |
$5.46 |
Adult Workshops (per hour plus tax) |
$5.46 |
Youth Workshops (flat rate) |
$6.56 |
Youth special events (dances, PA Day craze etc.) (flat rate) |
$5.00 |
Leadership (plus tax) - LIT program |
$281.38 |
Leadership (plus tax) - CIT program |
$163.20 |
Daycamp - Daily |
$42.77 |
Daycamp - Weekly |
$182.00 |
Daycamp -Specialty (one week) |
$188.19 |
Daycamp - Extended hours morning (per child/wk) |
$25.00 |
Daycamp - Extended hours afternoon (per child/wk) |
$25.00 |
Fitness - One hour |
$9.15 |
Fitness - 55+ Member |
$4.57 |
Notes: Based on per hour and will be adjusted by length of program time. Children tax exempt and some programs indicated as flat rate. Workshops for children/youth and youth special events flat rate including tax. Workshops for adults are per hour plus tax and can include but not limited to paint nights (supplies may be additional cost at the discretion of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture). |
Canton Community Hub |
Canton Community Hub 2025
Room Rentals (3% increase per year) per hour unless indicated
Area | Base Rate 2025 |
*Upper Hall- (previous Council Chamber) |
$33.96 |
Parks Rentals |
Parks Rentals (3% increase per year) per hour unless indicated
Area | Base Rate 2025 |
Seasonal User Fees (adults/team/year) |
Seasonal User Fees (youth/player/year) |
$11.70 |
Ball Lining (Adults only/field/lining) |
$20.54 |
Soccer Lining (adults only/field/lining) |
$27.32 |
*Lights (up to 2hrs/field/night) |
$26.06 |
*Lights (over2hrs/field/night) |
$52.11 |
Grooming/Basic Usage (adults only/field/day) |
$11.70 |
Sport field/park per hour |
$20.54 |
Tournament (per field/day includes 1 lining) |
$184.70 |
Parking Lot Fee/Lot/Day |
$184.70 |
Picnic Table Rentals (per table up to 3 days) |
$14.75 |
Delivery (flat fee) |
$29.26 |
Camping (per trailer/day) |
$20.00 |
Storage (FFC vehicle storage per foot per season) |
$21.59 |
Filming/day |
$579.48 |
Filming hold park/day |
$170.98 |
Notes: 2% increase for storage yearly. 5% increase for tournaments yearly. Picnic table fee includes delivery. Picnic Table Rental Fee does not able for not-for-profit organizations/events on municipal property. All events taking place in parks within the Heritage Business District area will not be subject to a park booking fee (all applicable equipment rental and park support fees still apply). |
Advertising |
Rentals (3% increase per year)
Area | Base Rate 2025 |
Arena Wall |
$285.04 |
Ice Machine one side |
$443.39 |
Ice Machine both sides |
$791.74 |
Press Booth |
$506.71 |
Parks Fence (outfields, dog park) |
$285.04 |
Stair Risers (arena - one set) |
$983.45 |
New Booklet (for future prices to be determined) |
Business Card size |
Quarter page |
Half page |
Full page |
Inside front cover |
Outside back cover |
Separate agreements with Future Signs for arena board advertising and Fox Advertising for washroom doors. Signs are provided at the cost of the advertiser and installed at no cost by facility staff. We reserve the right to request a sign be replaced due to damage/condition. |
Protective Services |
List of Protective Services fees and charges Fire and Emergency Services
Administration Fees (HST applicable)
Service | Fee |
Fire Reports and File Searches
Letter or copies of reports required for sale of property, insurance purposes or banking requests. (Requires authorization release from owner.)
$88.00 each |
Request for Access to Records
Other than Freedom of Information Requests
$88.00 per request
License Fees (HST Exempt)
Service | Fee |
Fireworks License
(Establishments Offering Fireworks For Sale)
$100.00 annual fee |
Fireworks License
(Individual Special Events)
$200.00 per display |
Preventable Fires and Alarm Services (HST Exempt)
Service | Fee |
Attendance at an Unauthorized or Non-Compliant Fire
First attendance - $100.00
Second attendance - $500.00
For each subsequent attendance within 6-month period the fee will increase $500.00
Response to malicious and nuisance complaints
(following two occurrences in a 12-month period)
First Complaint - No charge
Second Complaint - No charge
Third Complaint - $100.00
Fourth Complaint - $500.00
For each subsequent complaint response within a 12-month period the fee will increase $500.00
Inspection Fees (HST applicable)
Type | Fee |
Including Residential Building Containing Not More Than 2 Dwelling Units, Multiple Occupancy Residential Building, Commercial or Industrial Building, day Nursery/ Home Day Care Facility.
$100.00 per hour or part thereof
$50.00 per additional 1/2 hour
Licensing Inspection
(Including Liquor and Tent Licensing - when permit not required by Building Department)
$88.00 per hour or part thereof
$44.00 per additional 1/2 hour
Fire Safety Plan Review (if not required by the Ontario Fire Code)
Fire Safety Plan Review (when required by the Ontario Fire Code for additional review(s))
$100. per hour or part thereof
$50.00 per additional 1/2 hour
Fire Rescue and Emergency Response (HST Exempt on Fire Trucks and Manpower Only)
Service | Cost |
Attendance at a Non-Resident Motor Vehicle Collision or Vehicle Fire
Minimum of One Hour at Current MTO rate / Per Truck + any additional costs to the Municipality.
An additional one half of the current MTO rate / Per Truck + any additional costs to the Municipality for each 1/2 Hour thereafter.
Hazardous Materials Incident Response
Attendance at hazardous material incidents regardless of location.
Minimum of One Hour at Current MTO rate / Per Truck + any additional costs to the Municipality.
An additional one half of the current MTO rate / Per Truck + any additional costs to the Municipality for each 1/2 Hour thereafter.
Railway Response
Response to fires on or beside rail lines caused by rail company.
Full Cost Recovery |
Additional Expenses
To retain a private contractor, rent special equipment not normally carried on a fire vehicle in order to suppress or extinguish a fire, prevent fire spread, preserve property or evidence, or in order to eliminate an emergency or risk of an emergency situation
Full Cost Recovery |
False Alarms
For all calls after the first in a 6 month period
First Alarm - No Charge
Second Alarm - $500
Third Alarm - $1000
For each subsequent alarm response in a 6-month period fee will increase $500
Fire Watch / Post Incident Watch
Minimum of One Hour at Current MTO rate / Per Truck. An additional one half of the current MTO rate / Per Truck for each 1/2 Hour thereafter.
Vehicle Standby Services
To include the provision of a vehicle and crew to stand by for filming, social functions etc.
Minimum of One Hour at Current MTO rate / Per Truck. An additional one half of the current MTO rate / Per Truck for each 1/2 Hour thereafter.
Ice/Water Rescue |
Minimum of One Hour at Current MTO rate / Per Truck + Manpower. An additional one half of the current MTO rate / Per Truck + Manpower for each 1/2 Hour thereafter.
Minimum of One Hour at Current MTO rate for Vessel + Manpower. An additional one half of the current MTO rate for Vessel + Manpower for each 1/2 Hour thereafter.
Indemnification Technology |
Current MTO rates plus any additional costs to the Municipality of Port Hope |
By-Law Services
Parking Meter Fees
Meter | Fee |
6 minute parking |
$0.10 |
12 minute parking |
$0.20 |
30 minute parking |
$0.50 |
60 minute parking |
$1.00 |
Municipal Mill Street Launch/Mill Street Parking Lots
Meter | Fee |
Hourly (All vehicles) |
$1.00 per hour up to a maximum of $10.00 per day |
Seasonal pass (vehicle with attached vessel trailer - resident) |
$150.00 per calendar year |
Seasonal pass (vehicle with attached vessel trailer - non resident) |
$200.00 per calendar year |
Legitimate nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies, toonies, or any combination thereof to a maximum of $4.00 or 4 hours, being the maximum allowable parking time at any meter is considered valid. Pennies ($0.01) will not be accepted by any parking meter.
There is no fee for designated handicapped parking spaces or use of regular parking spaces in accordance with the Traffic By-law.
There is no fee for persons operating a vehicle to which a valid Ontario Veteran license plate is registered and affixed in accordance with the Traffic By-law.
Parking Meter Rental
Meter | Fee |
Daily |
$10.00 per rental |
Deposit (refunded at end of rental) |
$10.00 |
Considered at the discretion of the Municipal By-Law Enforcement during construction and/or building renovation or while moving in/out of a building.
*Applicable taxes are included within the Parking Meter Fees
Parking Offences and Penalties - By-law 10/2024
For all parking offences and penalties, please refer to By-law 10/2024. Municipal Enforcement - HST Applicable
Service | Fee |
Inspection Fee This fee applies to inspections carried out after the initial inspection and education has taken place. It is to be issued when an officer reinspects a property and finds that it is still not in compliance. It also applies to vacant property that are not in compliance. |
$88.00 each |
Issuance of 1st Order/Notice This fee applies after an order or notice has been issued for a property for compliance. This fee only applies for the first order issued to the property and owner(s) for a violation.
$175.00 each |
Issuance of 2nd Order/Notice This fee applies after an order or notice has been issued for a property for compliance. This applies for every subsequent order or notice issued to the property and owner(s) for the same violation.
$290.00 each |
Issuance of a Summons This fee applies when a summons is issued to an owner(s) of a property for a violation, and which summons produces a guilty decision, or in which the owner and municipality come to an agreement. |
$550.00 |
Legal Fees This fee applies to any legal fees incurred by the Municipality in the prosecution of a POA charge. This fee only applies if the prosecution results in a guilty decision, or an agreement is reached with the accused.
Actual Cost |
Municipal Enforcement- HST Exempt
Service | Fee |
Officer on Site This fee applies when an officer attends a property for the purpose of observing remediation.
$105 per hour, per officer |
Administration Fee This fee applies when the Municipality incurs costs for remediation.
25% surcharge over actual cost |
Property Standards - By-Law 67/2024
Order | Fee |
Registration or Discharge of Order |
$160.00 |
Application to Appeal |
$125.00 |
Licensing of Trailers Used for Temporary Accommodations (By-law 22/2016)
Type | Fee |
License of Trailer for Temp. Accommodations |
$25.00 |
Security Deposit |
$2,500.00 |
Total |
$2,525.00 |
Set Fine Schedule (As per Provincial Offences Act)
Type | Fee |
Failure to obtain a license |
$500.00 |
Failure to remove a trailer without a license |
$500.00 |
Failure to post license on trailer |
$100.00 |
Failure to cease use where license is refused |
$500.00 |
Failure to remove trailer where license is expired |
$500.00 |
Failure to maintain trailer |
$500.00 |
Municipal Enforcement Miscellaneous Fees
Service | Fee |
Signs (per sign basis) |
Signs 1m2 and under $25.00 per sign Signs greater than 1m2 $200.00 per sign |
Sandwich Board Signs
New Sign $75.00 per sign Annual Renewal (Jan 1-Jan 31) $25.00 Annual Renewal (on or after February 1) $75.00 |
Sidewalk Merchandise Permit
New $75.00 Annual Renewal (Jan 1-Jan 31) $25.00 Annual Renewal (on or after February 1) $75.00 |
Outdoor Restaurant/Patio |
New $75.00 Annual Renewal $25.00 |
$150.00 |