Water and Wastewater
Learn about the Municipality of Port Hope’s water services, water rates, how to apply for or cancel your water service or change your address. For a hard copy of the water service brochure, please contact us by phone at 905-885-4544 or by email.
Water Services
Learn how you can pay your water bill and the payment options we have for you. You can also learn more about reading your water meter and finding a water leak.

There are several ways that you can pay your water bill in the Municipality of Port Hope.

Sign up, cancel or change your address associated with water and wastewater account (utilities).

It is good practice to check for leaks on a regular basis. Also discover tips to reduce usage, how to read your water meter and water meter replacements.
You can report an issue if you have a water leak or need a water meter replacement.
Report an issue
Rates, Fees and Charges
Our water and wastewater service is financially self-sustaining and does not rely on property taxes. We review our rates every five years. Water and wastewater rates will increase every year until 2029. These increases are based on the Water and Wastewater Rate Study that was approved by Council. These rate increases account for inflation and important infrastructure replacement – some of our underground pipes are 100 years old.
2025 Water and Wastewater (Sewer) Rates |
The below chart reflects the 2024 rates. These rates were charged for the December 2023 usage on the latest bills.
2024 Water and Wastewater (Sewer) Rates |
The below chart reflects the 2024 rates. These rates were charged for the December 2023 usage on the latest bills.
Water and wastewater administration fees and charges |
Interest on water and wastewater accounts will be applied as per the Water and Wastewater Billing and Collection Policy. Please refer to the latest Water and Wastewater Billing Collection Policy. |
Applying, cancelling or changing your address associated with your water and wastewater account
If you are a new resident, moving or changing addresses see below for instructions on how to ensure you don't miss a payment.
Please note: any notice sent by ordinary mail is considered delivered to and received by the addressee within three business days unless it is returned by the Post Office, or an error in the mailing address is proven. Failure to notify the Finance Office of an address change in writing is not an error. Failure to receive a water and wastewater bill does not exempt the customer from late payment charges. Please ensure the Municipality’s Finance Department has your correct mailing address.
Applying for service
You can set up your water and wastewater account by filling out the water and wastewater service request form. Please send us your completed form by one of the following:
Download your form, select print at the top right of your screen, complete the fields, and;
place it in the drop-box mail slot at Town Hall 56 Queen Street, or
mail to Town Hall 56 Queen Street, Port Hope Ontario, L1A 3Z9, or
fax it to 905-885-1807
Cancelling water service
You can cancel your water and wastewater account by filling out the water and wastewater cancellation request form. Please send us your completed form by one of the following:
Download your form, select print at the top right of your screen, complete the fields, and:
place it in the drop-box mail slot at Town Hall 56 Queen Street, or
mail to Town Hall 56 Queen Street, Port Hope Ontario, L1A 3Z9, or
fax it to 905-885-1807
Change your mailing address
You can change your mailing address associated with your account by completing our mailing address change form. Please send us your form by one of the following:
Download your form, select print at the top right of your screen, complete the fields, and:
place it in the drop-box mail slot at Town Hall 56 Queen Street, or
mail to Town Hall 56 Queen Street, Port Hope Ontario, L1A 3Z9, or
fax it to 905-885-1807
Live in the urban area? Learn about these water services
We believe that clean and safe water is essential to a healthy community.

Clean, safe drinking water is essential to a healthy community.

The facility can collect and treat an impressive 11,300 cubic meters of wastewater per day.
Call Before You Dig
Make sure you call before you dig before starting outdoor projects that require digging. It is important to ensure your project will not damage water lines. Municipal staff will come to your property, at no cost to you, to locate your water shut off valve and ensure that it is functioning properly.