Seasonal Taste and Odour in Municipal Drinking Water
In the hot summer months, residents can expect typical, seasonal taste and odour changes to our municipal drinking water. If you detect earthy or musty odours in your drinking water, please note that it is still safe to drink. This is caused by seasonal biological changes in Lake Ontario, which can release Geosmin and Methyl-Isoborneol (MIB) - naturally occurring compounds - especially during hot weather when the lake temperatures rise, and the water levels are lower. We refer to this as taste and odour episodes. It is not harmful to public health and the Municipality’s drinking water condition is not affected. This is a common occurrence in many other municipalities along the shores of the Great Lakes.
Laboratory testing of both the raw and treated water confirms that municipal water meets all Ontario Drinking Water Quality Management Standards as set by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP).
To reduce the taste and odour in the drinking water residents can refrigerate a jug of water, or add ice cubes and a few drops of lemon juice to the water.
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