Our Services
The Municipality of Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services has proudly served the community since 1834. Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services is a Volunteer Department having volunteer emergency services personnel comprising 97 percent or greater of its department membership.
Our team
Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services currently includes a full-time Fire Chief, a Deputy Fire Chief, a Fire Prevention Inspector, two Administrative Support positions and a complement of 73 volunteer firefighters.
Fire protection and emergency services
Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services provides fire protection and emergency response services, including fire suppression, auto extrication, emergency medical responses, and fire prevention and public education programs within the Municipality from three fire stations and serve both urban and rural areas in the Municipality.
Services for the community
Other services are available to the community, including burn permits, fireworks information and permits, fire inspections and the benefits of our water tanker shuttle accreditation.

Find out how and when you can enjoy fireworks in Port Hope

Find out when you need to book a fire inspection to meet fire code compliance

Find out how our Water Tanker Accreditation can benefit you