Water Leaks and Usage
Check your water usage devices (toilets, taps, washing machines, etc.) on a regular basis. Malfunctioning water devices can add up to large water consumption bills and a leak even as small as the head of a pin will waste water and increase your water bill.
Have you found a toilet leak in your home? There are three tests that you can try to see if a toilet is leaking. It is good practice to check your toilets, taps, washing machine, etc. on a regular basis. Leaky toilets are often the cause of high-water bills and could waste more than 450 liters of water a day.
Signs of a leaking toilet |
Test your toilet for a leak
There are three (3) tests that determine if your toilet is leaking:
The Dye Test |
The Diagnostic Test |
The Night to Morning Read Test |
Other Possible Problems with the Toilet |
If you notice water on the floor near a toilet, the following problems could be present:
Other toilet tips |
If you find a leak with your toilet |
If you find a leak, contact a licensed plumber right away to have it fixed. The Municipality has a reduction clause in the current By-law for water and wastewater bills. For more information please contact us by email or call 905-885-4544. |
Tips for reducing outdoor water usage
Watering your lawn frequently results in higher water bills and sewer rates are applied. Remember: you are responsible for all water consumption on your property.
Outdoor water usage tips |
About my water meter
Your water meter measures the amount of water you use at your property in cubic meters. One cubic meter equals one thousand (1,000) liters. Your water meter is found inside your home typically in the basement. Municipality of Port Hope staff calculate your water and wastewater bill by reading the automatic reading box (ARB) that is mounted to the outside of your building.
Water meter leak indicator |
You can use your water meter’s leak indicator to detect plumbing issues that may cause higher than normal consumption on your water and wastewater bill. There are varying models of water meters. Depending on which model you have, the leak indicator is a blue triangle at the center of the dial, or a red circle to the bottom right of the dial. Turn off all water sources and watch your meter for 10 to 15 minutes. If the leak indicator continues to turn there is likely a leak. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Water meter problems |
If you are having issues with your water meter contact the Finance department by email or call 905-885-4544. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Replacing water meters |
Water meters are an essential component of the Municipality of Port Hope’s municipal drinking water systems. Every residential, industrial, commercial and institutional customer is equipped with a water meter to track consumption. This ensures that each customer is being billed for only the water they consume. The Municipality has contracted Neptune Technology Group to undertake an enhanced water meter upgrade program. The new water meters will improve the reliability of the meter reading and billing process. To cycle through the meter replacement program as efficiently as possible, focused areas of the Municipality will be targeted. When an area is substantially complete, the program will move on to the next area, and so on, until the entire urban area of the community has been converted over. The upgrade procedure is completely free and only requires an average of 30 to 90 minutes to complete, depending on the condition and complexity of the plumbing. The new meters come with several advantages over the outdated model such as:
Meter Installation Process: Homeowners needing their water meter replaced can expect a notice in the mail. Homeowners who receive this notice are asked to call the number or book online, which is outlined on the letter, to make an appointment. A typical meter replacement should take approximately 30 to 90 minutes but may vary depending on the circumstances. Installations will be carried out on an area-by-area basis. As technicians move into your area, you will receive a notification containing information on how to book your appointment. If you are a tenant, please contact the building owner when you receive this information. Please do not contact Neptune until you receive the notice with booking reference number. Homeowners are obligated to provide clear and unobstructed access to the water meter. If there are any boxes or stored items in the way, the Municipality asks that these be cleared before the meter installer’s arrival. If the water meter has been covered by drywall or, for any reason, paneling, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure that access to the meter is created. The water meter is property of the Municipality of Port Hope, and clear and free access must be provided.
If you have received a letter from Neptune, which will include the Municipality of Port Hope logo, please know that this is valid. Follow the instructions on the letter to book an appointment (call 1-800-667-4387 or visit watermeterappt.com). If you have questions or would like to confirm the details of the water meter replacement program, please reach out to Mike Stewart, Manager, Water, by email or by phone at 905-885-2209 ext. 4212.
You can report an issue if you have a water leak or need a water meter replacement. Please note that Report an Issue is NOT meant for emergencies. If you are reporting an emergency issue please call 905-885-2431.
Report an issue