Water and Wastewater Reports
The Municipality of Port Hope has a responsibility to residents to provide information regarding our water and wastewater systems as well as the current Water Financial Management Plan.
Please email us if you are not seeing the report you would like review or if you are unsure which report will hold the information you are looking for. If you need an accessible version of one of the PDFs on this page, please contact us by phone at 905-885-8760 or by email
Water Financial Plan |
Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. (Watson) was retained by the Municipality of Port Hope to prepare a water financial plan as part of the five submission requirements for the purposes of obtaining a municipal drinking water license as per the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. In general, a financial plan requires an in-depth analysis of capital and operating needs, a review of current and future demand versus supply, and consideration of available funding sources. This detailed financial planning and forecasting regarding the Municipality's water system has already been completed and documented by Watson within the Municipality of Port Hope Water and Wastewater Rate Study, November 25, 2020. The objective of the report provided herein is to convert the findings of the 2020 Rate Study into the prescribed reporting requirements for a financial plan as defined by Ontario Regulation 453/07 (O.Reg. 453/07). It is noted that the Municipality intends to update the 2020 Rate Study in 2026, and an updated financial plan will be prepared at that time.
For questions, email us or call 905-885-2431. |
Drinking Water System - Annual and Summary |
Each year the Municipality of Port Hope releases water quality monitoring reports. You can email us to request the reports from previous years.
Drinking Water Quality Management Plan |
The QMS Policy, Statement of Commitment and Endorsement, and the QMS Operational Plan are available for viewing by the public at the principal office of the Municipality (Town Hall) or by other means upon request. For questions, email us or call 905-885-2431. |
Wastewater Treatment Plan Annual Performance Report |
Each year the Municipality of Port Hope releases wastewater performance reports. This report reviews summary of all monitored data. along with any corrective actions needing to have taken place, and other information. You can email us to request previous years reports or if you have questions. |
Sewage Collection System Annual Performance Report |
Each year the Municipality of Port Hope releases wastewater collection system performance reports. This report reviews summary of all monitored data, along with any corrective actions needing to have taken place, maintenance activities and other information. You can email us to request previous years reports or if you have questions. |
Wastewater System Bypass and Overflow Report |
TermsBypass means diversion of sewage around one or more treatment processes, excluding Preliminary Treatment System, within the Sewage Treatment Plant with the diverted flows being returned to the Sewage Treatment Plant treatment train upstream of the Final Effluent sampling point(s) and discharge via the approved effluent disposal facilities. Overflow means a discharge to the environment from the Works at designed location(s) other than the approved effluent disposal facilities or via the effluent disposal facilities downstream of the final Effluent sampling point. OverviewThe Municipality of Port Hope places a high value in protecting the natural environment and local waterways. As such, the Municipality is committed to posting information about sewage bypass and overflows to the Municipal website within one business day of such an occurrence. A sewage bypass can occur when a structural, mechanical or electrical failure causes a temporary reduction in the capacity of a treatment process that is likely to result in personal injury, loss of life, health hazard, basement flooding, severe property damage, equipment damage or treatment process upset, if a portion of the flow is not bypassed. Planned bypasses, if it is a direct and unavoidable result of a planned repair and maintenance procedure or other circumstance(s), must be approved by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, prior to the bypass event. A sewage overflow occurs when wastewater overflows to the natural environment from the sanitary collection system or when there is a discharge of partially treated sewage from a wastewater treatment plant, often as a result of excessive groundwater and stormwater entering the system during heavy rains, rapid snowmelt or pipe breakage. The Municipalities sanitary collection systems are nominally separate, meaning that sanitary and stormwater flows are carried in different pipes with different destinations, however stormwater inflows and infiltrates into the sanitary system from numerous sources. Wastewater bypasses and overflows within the Municipalities sanitary system are extremely rare. Reporting to Ministry of the Environment, Conservation & ParksBy law, the Municipality is required to report sanitary bypasses and overflows to the Spills Action Centre, Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and the Medical Officer of Health, Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit. This information is currently captured in the Municipalities annual performance reports for the wastewater treatment plant and the wastewater collection system. The Municipalities annual performance reports are available for download under the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Wastewater Collection System drop down tabs. Wastewater Bypass and Overflow ReportsThe Municipality designs and upgrades its wastewater treatment and collection system to ensure adequate storage capacity and minimize the risk of bypass and overflow events. All infrastructure work within the Municipality must adhere to the Municipalities Engineering Standards and provincial requirements.