Fire Prevention and Public Education
Fire and life safety education is an important element of Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services to increase awareness of the need for smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms and home escape planning, subsequently reducing the risk and impact of fires in our municipality.
The Fire Prevention Division is responsible for inspections, investigations, plan reviews, and public education.
The minimum acceptable level of service is identified in a Public Fire Safety Guideline issued by the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management.
Winter Safety
Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services appreciates your assistance clearing the snow from around the fire hydrant.
Fire Hydrant Snow Clearing |
When shovelling snow remember these important safety tips:
Winter Home Heating |
Cold nights and crisp mornings are here. While staying cozy this season, Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services wants to remind you to be safe this season while heating your home. Keep in mind the following safety tips:
Ice Safety |
Ice is never 100% safe. Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services wants to make sure you're safe if going out onto the ice.
Clear Exhaust Vents |
DO NOT FALL VICTIM TO CARBON MONOXIDE POISIONING Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services reminds you to clear snow and ice away from exhaust vents. When clearing your driveway and walkway this winter, remember to also clear your exhaust vents. A blocked vent can create carbon monoxide to back up into your house putting you and your family at risk.
72 Hour Preparedness |
Are you prepared for an emergency long term? Unpredictable weather and unforeseen events can happen at any time. Port Hope Fire and Emergency Services wants to ensure you and your family for anything with a 72 hour preparedness kit.
Core Services for Fire Prevention Division
The core services that must be provided are a simplified risk assessment, a smoke alarm program, distribution of fire safety education material to residents and inspections upon complaint or when requested to assist with code compliance.

Find out about smoke alarm installation, maintenance, and testing in your home.

Learn about this home fire safety awareness program that helps to keep our community safe.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarms are required in all homes. Learn about why you need CO alarms on all floors.

Building fire inspections are based on mandated inspections, complaints, requests and routine inspections. Building permit plans are reviewed for fire protection equipment to confirm compliance with the Ontario Building Code and referenced standards.