Important Upcoming Dates for the Walton Street Reconstruction (Phase 3)
Last month, the Municipality of Port Hope awarded the contract for the next phase of the Walton Street Reconstruction Project to Behan Construction. Since then, staff have been working with the contractor to determine the construction schedule. The focus for this final phase is to replace Walton Street infrastructure from just west of Cavan Street to Pine Street.
Details have been confirmed, and important updates are provided below. Staff have been visiting downtown businesses and residences in the construction area today, hand delivering print notices.
Important Dates:
March 25 – A Public Information Centre will be held on March 25, 2025, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Town Hall located at 56 Queen Street. This session is intended for business owners and operators and residents within the Phase 3 construction area, but is open to all community members who wish to learn about the project timelines, scope of work, and how to stay informed throughout the project.
April 1 – Behan Construction has set a Mobilization Date of April 1, 2025. This is the day that Walton Street will close between Cavan Street and Pine Street. You will start to see activity in the surrounding area. The contractor is expected to begin moving in equipment, preparing the area with fencing and signage, beginning the installation of temporary water lines, and storing materials at 74 Queen St.
At this time, only Walton Street, between Cavan and Pine Streets, is expected to be closed. All other streets, including Queen, Cavan, Pine, Ontario, and John Streets, as well as access to the east end of Walton Street from Mill Street, will remain open. Future, short-term closures may take place in some of these areas, as the project progresses.
Our team is building on the successes and learnings from Phase 2, refining plans to support downtown business and tourism. Key initiatives include business continuity, emergency services, active transportation, access, events, and communications.
Please remember that the Municipality continues to be the source of accurate information regarding the Walton Street project. For any questions or further clarification, please contact our Works and Engineering staff by:
- Logging a ticket at (in the “issue” dropdown, select ‘All About Walton Inquiry’)
- phone at 905-376-1481
Similar to Phase 2, we will keep the public informed with regular construction project updates. For real-time news and updates, be sure to follow our dedicated construction social media channels: Facebook and Instagram: @PortHopeDigsWalton or visit