February 4 Council Meeting Highlights
Municipality of Port Hope Council Meeting - February 4, 2020
For Immediate Release
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 - Port Hope, ON
Below is a summary of key items discussed at the Municipality of Port Hope regular Council Meeting held on Tuesday, February 4, 2020. The full agenda and staff reports are available on the Council Portal.
Plaque presentation to Dr. Anthony Miller
Members of Council made a plaque presentation to Dr. Anthony Miller, a Port Hope resident who was recently named Member of the Order of Canada for his contributions to the field of cancer epidemiology and for his work to advance cancer control policies and practices in Canada.
Chief Administrative Officer recruitment and selection process
Council passed a Resolution to appoint Mayor Sanderson, Deputy Mayor Andrews and Councillor Carr to form a sub-committee to make decisions on behalf of Council in the recruitment and selection process for the Chief Administrative Officer position. Additionally, Council authorized the sub-committee to work with the Human Resources Manager to: revise the job description; select the executive search firm; participate in the interviews for the position of Chief Administrative Officer; and select candidates for the final interview, which will include all members of Council.
Waterfront and Riverwalk working group appointments
Council appointed seven members to the newly established Waterfront and Riverwalk Working Group. The Working Group is a citizen advisory committee established by, and responsible to Council to shape the vision, objectives, and design of a waterfront and riverwalk plan.
*A supplementary release has been issued with additional details about these appointments. The release can be found at porthope.ca/news
Traffic and Parking By-law amendment
Council passed the Traffic and Parking By-law amendment to include:
- The addition of two (2) accessible parking spaces at the Lions Club Recreation Centre at 29 Thomas Street;
- The addition of two (2) accessible parking spaces at the entrance to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 30 at 29 Thomas Street;
- A restriction of parking at the Town Hall Parking lot to Farmers Market vendors only from the first Saturday in May until the last Saturday in October, from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and;
- A housekeeping amendment to reflect the name change of the municipally owned facilities, the Community Hub and Fire Station 3.
Site Alteration and Fill By-law amendment
Council referred the amendment to the Site Alteration and Fill By-law back to Staff for further consultation with the agricultural community. As the recommended amendment was not authorized, all provisions of the current Site Alteration and Fill By-Law No. 47/2012 remain in effect.
Site Plan Agreement amendment – Empire Crossing
Council authorized the execution of a Site Plan Agreement Amendment for lands Municipally known as 224 Ward Street (commonly known as Empire Crossing Retirement Community Inc.), to permit the development of the Phase 2 addition (58 units, 5,812 m2 ) to the north of the property.
Minutes from this meeting will be available pending approval at the next Council meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, at which point they will become the official record of the meeting.
Recordings of the February 4, 2020 Budget Committee meeting, Regular Council meeting and Committee of the Whole meeting will be available on the Council page.
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