Council to Consider the Removal of Holding at 6710 Ganaraska Road - April 1, 2025
The Council of the Corporation of The Municipality of Port Hope intends to consider a By-law under Section 36 of the Planning Act to remove the 'H5' - Holding provision. The request is scheduled to go before Council at the April 1, 2025 Committee of the Whole Meeting.
The subject lands are located at 6710 Ganaraska Road in the Municipality of Port Hope. The owner wants to construct a single detached residential dwelling and removal of the H5 Provision (Application ZB01-2025), and a Site Plan Agreement (SP01-2025) are required through Part 13 of the Municipality of Port Hope Zoning Bylaw 20/2010, as amended.
The subject lands are zoned Oak Ridges Moraine- Linkage ‘ORM-L’, Oak Ridges Moraine- Core ‘ORM-C’ and Rural 'RU'. Holding Provision 5 'H5' is applicable as per Table 13.1 of the zoning bylaw and can be lifted in accordance with the Conditions for Removal outlined in Column 4: The Holding (H5) provision may be lifted once an appropriate Natural Heritage Evaluation and Hydrological Evaluation are completed to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the appropriate Conservation Authority, in accordance with the policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, and once The Municipality is satisfied that a Site Plan Agreement has been executed. The location of the proposed development is within an area of High Aquifer Vulnerability as identified in Schedule 'H' of the Municipality of Port Hope Official Plan.
A Scoped Natural Heritage Evaluation, including a review of Aquifer Vulnerability, was submitted in support of the proposed development providing recommendations that the building permit approval process will implement. The Site Plan Agreement Application upon approval will meet the requirements to lift the Holding 'H5' Provision. The removal of the Holding 'H' Provision and Site Plan approval will permit construction of a single detached residential dwelling on the subject lands.
Any person may make a request to the Clerk to appear as a delegation before Council and/or may make written submissions to the Clerk either in support of, or in opposition to, the removal of the Holding (H5) provision. Additional information relating to the By-law is available for review, by appointment, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Municipal Development Team Office at 5 Mill Street South, Port Hope.
For questions, please contact:
Jacqueline Mann, MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner (on contract)
Development Services
Phone: (905) 885-2431