As per Section 45 of the Planning Act, the Committee of Adjustment is permitted to make decisions on Minor Variances that do not comply with the regulations contained in the current Zoning By-law and to grant permission for altering or changing a lawful non-conforming use of land, buildings or structures.
Minor Variance Applications can be submitted online by clicking on the button below. If you require a paper copy of the application please contact Planning. Refer to the Minor Variance Flowchart for a helpful visual of the application process.
The fee for the application can be found on the Fees and Charges page under 'Committee of Adjustment'.
The Plans/Drawing shall show elements outlined as follows, in metric units:
- Boundaries and dimensions of the subject lands
- Location, size and type/use of all existing and proposed buildings and structures on the lands including accurate and detailed measurements with respect to:
- Front yard setback(s) – distance of the buildings or structures from the front yard lot line
- Rear yard setback(s) – distance of the buildings or structures from the rear yard lot line
- Interior side yard setback(s) – distance of the buildings or structures from the side yard lot line
- Exterior side yard setback(s) – distance of the buildings or structures from the side yard lot line
- Lot frontage
- Lot depth
- Lot area
- Approximate location (distances) and details of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands, that in the opinion of the applicant, may affect the application, including:
- Buildings
- Wells & Septic Tanks
- Sanitary sewer laterals & Water lines
- Roads and access
- Drainage ditches
- Railways
- Pipelines/hydro corridors
- Watercourses
- River or stream banks
- Wetlands
- Wooded areas
- The current uses of land that is adjacent to the subject land
- The location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right of way
- The location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land
Minor Variance Application