Before You Start Filming
Prior to beginning filming, there are many important considerations for the production to run effectively and safely. With these key factors taken into consideration and actively applied throughout filming, the film experience can be enjoyable for all and have a positive impact on the community.
Considerations for the Community
- Communication regarding the location and duration of filming is critical to be shared with the affected members of the community. How has the information been disseminated? Have all parties been made aware?
- The health and safety of the community is critical to a well-received filming occurrence. How is the film company ensuring that all cast, crew, and members of the community are kept safe?
- The Code of Conduct outlines relations with municipal staff, members of the community, and contractors. This document must be reviewed and understood prior to commencement.
- The impact on local traffic is a key consideration. Will there be a partial or a full closure? Is Intermittent Traffic Control required?
- The use of facilities such as parks, Municipal buildings, or parking for filming may require a fee to be paid. Members of the community must be informed as it may affect their ability to receive services. Who is being affected by the use of certain facilities? How can the impact be minimalized?

The Port Hope downtown is an excellent choice for a film setting. With distinct historic buildings and the best maintained Main Street in Ontario, the Heritage Business Improvement Area is a noteworthy feature. A successful applicant will consider the impact to the Heritage Business Improvement Area, pedestrian traffic, business owners and residents within it. Proper Health and Safety precautions must be prioritized. There is an additional fee to film within the HBIA.

With a wide range of heritage-rich, public and private properties available for use to film, Port Hope provides an excellent opportunity for filming multiple location requirements and varying time periods. From quaint, countryside residences to towering, historic mansions, there are many ideal filming locations to choose from in Port Hope.
2021 Film Map
The interactive GIS map identifies various Downtown areas to film in Port Hope. Click each project to learn more about its each location and details.
Rental buildings for filming
Looking for a rental building for your cast and crew? Discover a list of municipal and private rentals that may be available for your production.