Caroline Street Rink

Caroline Street rink in the winter

The popular outdoor ice rink, located on Caroline Street, is a natural ice surface. The rink includes professional boards and glass as well as lights, available when the rink is open.

Current status

The Caroline Street Rink is currently closed due to mild temperatures.  We will continue to monitor the weather conditions and will open the rink as soon as we are able to.

The Caroline Street outdoor rink relies on mother nature to provide consistent cold weather in order to make ice. The rink does not have a refrigeration system. Our practice is to begin ice making when long range weather forecasts indicate daytime highs of -8 degrees Celsius or colder for a period of five days or greater. Ice thickness of a minimum 1 1/2 inches is required before the ice surface is available for public use.

The rink is lit in the evenings until 11:00 p.m. Free parking is available on site. Changerooms are currently unavailable.

Please note that staff may close the rink at any time due to weather, maintenance, or safety concerns.

Rules and Guidelines
  • Hockey sticks and pucks are allowed but no games can be played and tag is not permitted on the ice surface. Please be respectful of all skaters.
  • No alcohol, smoking, or pets allowed on the ice.
  • All skaters must be wearing ice skates or ice sledges. CSA helmet is recommended for all participants.
  • All those who fail to follow the rules of the outdoor rink will be asked to leave immediately. By-law officers and Port Hope Police perform routine checks.


Ice is maintained by the Parks Department and community volunteers. For information relating to volunteering, please contact the Administrative Assistant at 905-885-8760 or email.