Accessibility Advisory Committee
The Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) advises Council on matters related to equal access to opportunities in the Municipality for all people, including those people with visible and invisible disabilities. This authority is in accordance with the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
The mandate of the AAC is to encourage and facilitate accessibility on behalf of all persons with disabilities by promoting public awareness and sensitivity; encouraging co-operation among all service and interest groups to ensure an inclusive community for all persons; identifying and documenting relevant issues and concerns; improving access to housing, transportation, education, recreation, and employment; improving communication among all levels of government and service agencies to make recommendations regarding policy, procedure and legislation; to educate and champion needs that arise based on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005); and recognizing that the needs of all persons, including persons with disabilities, are constantly changing.
- Chair: Councillor Vicki Mink
- Staff Lead: Jeanette Davidson, Director, Works and Engineering
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed
Animal Services Appeal Body
The Animal Control Services By-law requires the establishment of an Animal Services Appeal Body to hear and adjudicate appeals to Orders to Restrain. For more information, review the Animal Control Services By-law 27/2022.
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee provides a focal point for communication between Council, the external auditor and management and facilitates an impartial, objective and independent review of management practices.
The Audit Committee is responsible for providing advice and recommendations, where necessary, to Council related to the oversight of the administrative systems regarding financial accounting, reporting, internal controls, safeguarding of corporate assets, compliance with legal, ethical and regulatory requirements and the effective and efficient use of resources.
- Chair: Councillor Les Andrews
- Staff Lead: David Baxter, Director, Finance
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed |
Civic Awards Advisory Committee
To provide advice to Council relative to the award and administration of the Civic Awards Program and to provide recommendations to Council on the selected nominees to be awarded a Civic Award in accordance with the Civic Awards Program Criteria.
The Committee serves in an advisory capacity to Council on the nominations and administration of the Civic Awards Program with delegated authority under Staff to develop and host the Awards Ceremony as well as selection of inscribed awards.
The Civic Awards Program celebrates nominees worthy of recognition for exceptional contributions and/or achievements bringing honour and/or enrichment to the Municipality of Port Hope. The mandate of the Committee is as follows:
Promotion and Nomination
- To encourage and reward achievements and volunteerism within the Municipality;
- Increase awareness about the Civic Awards program and recipient contributions and achievements while promoting and soliciting nominees for civic recognition;
- To ensure nominations and award selection is completed in a fair and consistent manner; in order to help preserve the integrity of the Civic Awards Program over the long term;
- To collaborate with Municipal staff and Council to host a successful program, annually;
- Comply with Municipal branding requirements and review annually as it relates specifically to the function of the Civic Awards program.
Administration of the Civic Awards Program
- Collaborate and assist municipal staff in the planning and execution of the annual Civic Awards Program and ceremony;
- Managing tracking of each year’s award recipients and their nominations to prevent duplication of awards;
- Ensure that each recipient receives a duly inscribed award;
- Ensure that the Outstanding Citizen and Outstanding Youth award recipients’ names are displayed for public viewing in Town Hall;
- Create and alter, from time to time, a nomination form that is readily available to the public;
- Submit budget requests through the Local Boards and Committees Budget submission for the Civic Awards Night event that reflects the event’s operating and capital needs, in keeping with budget directions and timelines;
- Administer the council approved communication plan funded through the Civic Awards Annual Budget Allocation.
To evaluate the Municipality’s recognition program once each Council term, including available input from Civic Awards Advisory Committee volunteers who have contributed over the previous four (4) years. To review and recommend award categories and criteria for Council’s consideration and required amendments to the Civic Awards Nomination Criteria Policy.
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed |
Committee of Adjustment
The Committee of Adjustment is a Legislated Committee established in accordance with Section 44 of the Planning Act. The Committee is responsible for making decisions on consent applications, minor variance applications, enlargement of existing non-conforming uses, and other technical matters set out by the provisions of the Planning Act.
The Committee of Adjustment hears applications and makes decisions on minor variances, alterations to legal non-conforming uses and consents/severances as well as consents for leases, rights-of-way or easements which extend beyond 21 years and to partially mortgage or partially discharge a mortgage on a parcel of land in accordance with provisions set out in the Planning Act, Municipality of Port Hope Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law.
1.1 The powers of the Committee of Adjustment are:
As set out in Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amended, together with any supplementary powers contained in the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, or any amendment thereto.
The power to give consents under s. 53 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 or any amendment thereto, provided, and only so long as, the authority to give such consents is delegated to the Council for the Municipality of Port Hope.
1.2 The Committee of Adjustment shall function in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, having regard to pertinent by-laws of the Municipality, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall file all documents as required by Section 44(10) of the said Act, and all minutes and records of all applications pursuant to Section 53 and the decisions thereon, in the office of the Municipal Clerk of the Municipality of Port Hope.
- Chair: Councillor Todd Attridge
- Staff Lead: Mandy Kort, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed
Environmental Advisory Committee
The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) provides perspectives and advice to Council relative to the preservation, growth and sustainability of the overall landscape and natural infrastructure of the Municipality.
The Committee shall provide recommendations to the Committee of the Whole on matters referred by Council and shall respond to proposed policies, planning and other environmental matters as determined by Council and staff.
1. Environmental Planning
- To provide advice to Municipal Council and Staff regarding immediate and long-term environmental and sustainability strategic initiatives, as identified within an annual workplan or as requested by the Director of Works & Engineering or designate.
- The identification and recommended approach to implementation of new or existing programs, approaches or policies relating to the protection, sustainability and enhancement of natural resources and systems and sustainable agricultural practices within the Municipality.
- To raise new, relevant, unexplored environmental issues with direct impact to the natural infrastructure of the Municipality of Port Hope.
- Make recommendations on environmental issues that have significant implications for the rural area.
- Undertake monitoring and make ongoing recommendations regarding climate action upon completion of the Climate Action Plan or as directed by Council.
2. Tree Preservation, Planning & Planting
- The Committee will consider and provide recommended updates to the Forest Master Plan and Tree Policy.
- At the request of the Director of Works and Engineering and/or the Director of Parks Recreation and Culture, the Committee will provide suggestions/recommendations with respect to trees where construction, street upgrades, park development or major landscaping is being planned so that the current tree population is properly and completely assessed.
- Encourage expansion of annual tree planting programs to meet demand.
- The Committee will consider any gift/donation or offer of trees if the trees in question meet the needs and objectives of the Committee, in accordance with Municipal policies.
- Provide advice on the Municipality’s policies, by-laws and guidelines which effect trees with the objective of maximizing the retention of existing trees, woodlands and natural areas.
- The Committee will receive and review reports as required from time to time from an Arborist, in consultation with the Director of Works and Engineering and/or the Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture.
- Chair: Deputy Mayor Claire Holloway Wadhwani
- Staff Lead: Lauren Wingham-Smith, Manager, Environmental Remediation
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed
In accordance with the Line Fences Act, the Municipality requires three fence viewers to advise on matters related to property fences. If you have a broad knowledge of the community and are comfortable with the Line Fences Act, please apply today to become a fence viewer. Remuneration will be provided if you are required to attend a fence-viewing.
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed
Heritage Business Improvement Area (HBIA)
The HBIA is the voice of the Downtown business community. It is committed to improving and promoting the Heritage Business District through investment, advocacy and beautification. It promotes it’s heritage district as a premier shopping, business, and entertainment destination. It is one of the three volunteer boards of management under the Municipality of Port Hope. Originally created in 1977 as the Port Hope Business Improvement Area, the HBIA formally became recognized as the Heritage Business Improvement Area in February 1990. The HBIA is a not-for-profit organization representing approximately 140 business and properties in the Downtown Heritage District(s). In August 1998 the Province of Ontario through the Ontario Municipal Board, approved “The Walton Street Heritage Conservation District” which includes the north and south sides of Port Hope’s main street between Mill & Pine. In June 2008, the JOQS Heritage District was approved. It includes portions of John, Ontario, and Queen Street.
The HBIA for the Municipality of Port Hope helps to create a stronger community by supporting member participation through the Board of Directors. The cumulative effect of HBIA activities attract customers and new business to the Improvement Area. The HBIA responds to and reflects the needs of the District. The HBIA for the Municipality of Port Hope acts as merchant associations, initiators of revitalization projects, coordinators of civic planning processes, a key spoke in economic development teams, and a positive voice when addressing street issues.
- Chair: Robin Dines
- Council Rep: Councillor Todd Attridge
- Staff Lead: Andrew Wallen, Manager, Economic Development
Heritage Port Hope Advisory Committee
The Heritage Port Hope (HPH) Advisory Committee is the Municipal Heritage Committee as described by and pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act. The Committee provides advice and make recommendations related to municipal cultural heritage matters.
Heritage Port Hope is responsible for advising and assisting Council on matters pertaining to Part IV (Conservation of Buildings of Historic or Architectural Value, Designation of Properties by Municipalities) and to Part V (Heritage Conservation Districts) of the Ontario Heritage Act, as amended for time to time.
- Chair: Councillor Todd Attridge
- Staff Leads:
- Ken Scullion, Senior Planner
- Amer Salahuddin, Planner I
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed |
Port Hope Public Library Board
Term of Office
That the members of the Board shall be appointed by Council for the term of Council, in accordance with the Public Libraries Act, or until their successors are appointed. When a member’s seat on the Board is declared vacant, that vacancy shall be determined and filled in accordance with the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.44, as amended from time to time.
That the rights, duties, powers and responsibilities of the Port Hope Library Board shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.44, as amended, having regard to pertinent by-laws of the Municipality.
That in carrying out the provisions of this By-law, the Port Hope Library Board shall at all times be the agent of the Municipal Corporation and while acting bona fide within the limits of the authority of this By-law neither the Board nor any member thereof shall incur any liability by reason of anything done or left undone by the Port Hope Public Library Board; provided however, that nothing in this section contained shall authorize or empower the Port Hope Library Board to incur any debt, liability or obligation for which the Municipal Corporation shall become liable without having previously obtained the consent of the Council of the Municipality of Port Hope.
That the Chief Executive Officer for the Board shall call the first meeting of the Board in a new term.
That at the first meeting in a new term of the Board the members of the Board shall elect one of its members as Chairperson.
That the Board shall submit to Council annually on or before the date and in the form specified by the Council, estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the Board.
That the amount of the Board’s estimates that is approved or amended and approved by the Council shall be adopted by the Board and shall be paid to the Board out of money appropriated for it in accordance with the estimates as submitted and approved and shall not be used in any other manner or for any other purpose, without the prior approval of Council declared by Resolution.
- Chair: Bob Wallace
- Council Representative: Councillor Vicki Mink
1 Vacancy: Interested individuals are encouraged to submit their applications online at by March 3, 2025.
Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Parks, Recreation and Culture Committee is to advise Council on matters pertaining to parks, recreation, events and cemeteries within the Municipality.
To provide advice to Council relative to Parks, Recreation & Culture initiatives enhancing the quality of life for Port Hope residents through a wide range of innovative, inclusive, and accessible programming, providing opportunities for physical activity, social interaction and community engagement.
- Chair: Councillor Adam Pearson
- Staff Lead: Julia Snoek, Director, Parks, Recreation and Culture
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed |
Police Services Board
Term of Office
That the term of office shall be consistent with the provisions of the Police Services Act.
That the powers, duties and obligations of the Port Hope Police Services Board are in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended.
- Chair: Councillor Andrews
- Council Representatives: Mayor Olena Hankivsky
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed
Property Standards Committee
To deal with appeals pertaining to Orders to Comply issued by Property Standards Officers where property does not conform to prescribed standards in accordance with the Municipality of Port Hope By-law 69/2006, as amended, or any subsequent by-law.
The duties and obligations of the Property Standards Committee shall be in accordance with Section 15.6 of the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c.23, as amended, and in accordance with By-law 69/2006, as amended or any subsequent by-law.
The Property Standards Committee is a legislated committee appointed by Council established under the provisions of the Ontario Building Code Act to conduct appeal hearings to property standards orders that have been issued under the building code and the Municipal Property Standards By-law.
Members shall be appointed by Council in accordance with Section 15.6 of the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c.23, as amended, for the term of Council that appointed them, or until their successors are appointed.
Vacancy status: recruitment now closed
Waterfront and Riverwalk Working Group
The purpose of the Waterfront Riverwalk Working Group is to provide recommendations to Council relative to future waterfront and river development, including adjacent lands, within the Municipality of Port Hope.
The Waterfront and Riverwalk Working Group (WRWG) is a citizen advisory group established by and responsible to Council. The WRWG will provide recommendations to Council on the strengths, attributes and opportunities to enhance the assets of the Ganaraska River and Waterfront pertaining to economic development and recreational opportunities.
- Chair: vacant
- Staff Lead: Julia Snoek, Director, Parks, Recreation and Culture
- Council Representative: Councillor Claire Holloway Wadhwani
Vacancy status: not accepting applications Those interested in Waterfront and Riverwalk Master Plan initiatives are invited to make a application to the Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee.